Call me by your name - Week 2

Call me by your name - Week 2

作者: beyondthecreek | 来源:发表于2018-07-07 15:22 被阅读0次

Elio took the initiative to reveal the feeling of his relationship with Oliver. It obvious that Oliver is a bit hesitant, but he also likes it. After all, as a man who is able to like men and women at the same time, it is more difficult to choose in this respect. When they went to a pond for a swimming, they lay on the grass and then the two kissed. However, Oliver is not sure about his feeling and he pushed away. In fact, his feeling was very tangled and complicated. He is older that Elio and obviously he knows better how this kind of relationship they fell would damage their life and cause harms to both. When Elio got home, he was very upset. Then I thought he wanted to tell Oliver that he could also love a woman. So he went after a girl.

I think this is also very childish and true. Imaging a teenage boy could pretend he loves another girl to impress his true love. So Elio wants Oliver to pay attention to him and value him. This is also the heart of many lovers. Elio feels that he can be with a girl, it is no big deal, but from the bottoms of his heart, I don’t know why but I feel his love still belongs to Oliver. In the end, this tricks work and Oliver come to him and then you know what's the next.

Smart move Elio!



      本文标题:Call me by your name - Week 2
