作者: skysunky | 来源:发表于2020-04-15 21:14 被阅读0次


The FACT_RELATIONSHIP table contains records about the relationships between facts stored as records in any table of the CDM. Relationships can be defined between facts from the same domain, or different domains.

实体关系例如:人际关系(父母 - 子女),医疗服务站关系(医疗系统内的等级从属分层组织结构),因果关系(药物暴露与相关条件之间),使用关系(设备与相关的医疗操作流程关系),或实体来源关系(来自相关标本的检查)。

Examples of Fact Relationships include: Person relationships (parent-child), care site relationships (hierarchical organizational structure of facilities within a health system), indication relationship (between drug exposures and associated conditions), usage relationships (of devices during the course of an associated procedure), or facts derived from one another (measurements derived from an associated specimen).

Field Required Type Description 字段 描述
domain_concept_id_1 Yes integer The concept representing the domain of fact one, from which the corresponding table can be inferred. 分类-实体-ID-1 表示实体1的分类概念,可以通过这些分类找到相应的表。
fact_id_1 Yes integer The unique identifier in the table corresponding to the domain of fact one. 实体-ID-1 实体1所在的分类表中对应的唯一标识符。
domain_concept_id_2 Yes integer The concept representing the domain of fact two, from which the corresponding table can be inferred. 分类-实体-ID-2 表示实体2的分类概念,可通过这些分类找到相应的表。
fact_id_2 Yes integer The unique identifier in the table corresponding to the domain of fact two. 实体-ID-1 实体2所在的分类表中对应的唯一标识符。
relationship_concept_id Yes integer A foreign key to a Standard Concept ID of relationship in the Standardized Vocabularies. 关系-概念-ID 外键,标准词汇表中关系的标准概念ID。


No. Convention Description 共识
1 All relationships are directional, and each relationship is represented twice symmetrically within the FACT_RELATIONSHIP table. For example, two persons if person_id = 1 is the mother of person_id = 2 two records are in the FACT_RELATIONSHIP table (all strings in fact concept_id records in the Concept table:
- Person, 1, Person, 2, parent of
- Person, 2, Person, 1, child of
所有关系都是方向性的,并且每个关系在FACT_RELATIONSHIP表中对称地表示两次。例如,如果person_id = 1的居民是person_id = 2的母亲,则两个记录在FACT_RELATIONSHIP表中(fact concept-id表中的所有字符串记录在concept_id表:
- person,1,person,2,父母
- person,2,person,1, 子女








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