作者: skysunky | 来源:发表于2019-08-21 15:09 被阅读0次


    The specimen domain contains the records identifying biological samples from a person.

    Field Required Type Description
    specimen_id Yes integer A unique identifier for each specimen.
    标本-id - - 每个标本的唯一标识符。
    person_id Yes integer A foreign key identifier to the Person for whom the Specimen is recorded.
    居民-id - - 外键,记录标本对应居民的标识符。
    specimen_concept_id Yes integer A foreign key referring to a Standard Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies for the Specimen.
    标本-概念-id - - 外键,指向标本的标准词汇表中的标准概念标识符。
    specimen_type_concept_id Yes integer A foreign key referring to the Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the system of record from which the Specimen was represented in the source data.
    标本-类型-概念-id - - 外键,指向标准词汇表中的概念标识符,反映在源数据中记录标本信息的来源系统。(译者按,此处需要确认,有可能是存储源数据中的数据元字段,例如'病理切片')
    specimen_date No date The date the specimen was obtained from the Person.
    标本-日期 - - 从居民体内采集标本的日期。
    specimen_datetime Yes datetime The date and time on the date when the Specimen was obtained from the person.
    标本-日期时间 - - 从居民体内采集标本的日期和时间。
    quantity No float The amount of specimen collection from the person during the sampling procedure.
    数量 - - 在取样过程中从居民体内采集的标本数量。
    unit_concept_id No integer A foreign key to a Standard Concept identifier for the Unit associated with the numeric quantity of the Specimen collection.
    单位-概念-id - - 外键,指向单位的标准概念标识符,与采集标本的数量相关联。
    anatomic_site_concept_id Yes integer A foreign key to a Standard Concept identifier for the anatomic location of specimen collection.
    解剖-部位-概念-id - - 外键,标识标本采集的解剖部位的标准概念的标识符。
    disease_status_concept_id Yes integer A foreign key to a Standard Concept identifier for the Disease Status of specimen collection.
    疾病-状态-概念-id - - 外键,标识标本采集时的疾病状态的标准概念的标识符。
    specimen_source_id No varchar(50) The Specimen identifier as it appears in the source data.
    标本-源-id - - 存储在源数据中的标本标识符。
    specimen_source_value No varchar(50) The Specimen value as it appears in the source data. This value is mapped to a Standard Concept in the Standardized Vocabularies and the original code is, stored here for reference.
    标本-源-值 - - 源数据中存储的标本的值。此值会映射到标准词汇表中的标准概念,原始代码存储在此处以供参考。
    unit_source_value No varchar(50) The information about the Unit as detailed in the source.
    单位-源-值 - - 源数据中存储的有关该单位的信息。
    anatomic_site_source_value No varchar(50) The information about the anatomic site as detailed in the source.
    解剖-部位-源-值 - - 源数据中存储的有关解剖部位的信息。
    disease_status_source_value No varchar(50) The information about the disease status as detailed in the source.
    疾病-状态-源-值 - - 源数据中存储的有关疾病状况的信息。


    No. Convention Description 共识
    1 Anatomic site is coded at the most specific level of granularity possible, such that higher level classifications can be derived using the Standardized Vocabularies. 解剖部位以尽可能最细的粒度级别编码,以便可以使用标准化词汇表导出更高级别的分类。







