Look at my booger, Minji. 敏基,看我的鼻屎。
Oh my! It's gross! 天呀!好恶!
Get it off! 清掉它!
You booger digger! 你是挖鼻屎大王!
Stop picking your nose. 不要再挖鼻子了。
Don't eat your boogers. 不要吃鼻屎。
What should I do with this booger? 我应该如何处理这个鼻屎?
Clean it off with a tissue. 用面巾纸擦掉。
Why are you giving that to Mommy? 你为什么把那个给妈妈?
The booger would not come out, Mom. 妈,鼻屎挖不出来。
Don't pick your nose in front of people. 不要在他人面前挖鼻孔。
If you pick too much ,your nose can bleed. 如果你一直挖,你会流鼻血。
Who put this booger here? 是谁把鼻屎沾在这里的?