1. sparked a social media backlash against...
has sparked heated debate on the internet
2. The popularity of ... has also increased among job seekers.受欢迎程度有所上升
3. The initiative ignited furious debate among Chinese netizens, especially parents.
4. While some applauded the measure, believing it would, to some extent, eases students' stress, many complained it will actually add more pressure on parents and children.
5. bill... as... 把…宣传为
They bill it as California's most exciting museum.
The terracotta warriors are China’s national treasures, and they are also billed as the Eighth Wonder of the World.
6. The pandemic has taken a heavy toll 造成了巨大损失
7. it could be just a taste of things to come 它可能还只是触及皮毛的小事
8. We owe it to ourselves 我们有责任
9. 了解 shed light on + ing/provide an insight into
10. 逐渐流行起来 gained momentum
11. 九层之台,起于累土。 Building a high-rise begins with mounds of soil.
12. These lessons have become front of mind again as 随着...这些教训再次浮现在我的脑海
13. the most vulnerable will suffer first and most 最脆弱的群体将首先遭受最严重损害
14. Heading ... gave me a new perspective on the world 担任...让我有了看待世界的新视角
15. Thank you and congratulations to xxx and everyone who has played a role in achieving these critical successes for our patients.
16. This year was a blur. (or This/That was a blur.) 糊里糊涂 浑浑噩噩
17. 形容“重要的”
major, critical, momentous, significant
have a major role/part to play in...“在...中发挥着重要作用”
Wearing masks has a major role/part to play in fighting against COVID-19.
18. Traditions should be treasured, not ignored.
19. Employment is the bread-and-butter issue of politics.
bread-and-butter 更侧重于民生方面的“基本问题、重大问题”
20. When it comes to success, methods alone do not suffice; hard working and patience matter more.
21. 首先、第一
Reasons are manifold.
What comes top of the list is...
Secondly, ..
22. 在..上,这个说法并不对。
When it comes to.., that may not be the case.
23. 越来越多的证据表明,..的影响会延续到。。
Increasing evidence suggests that .. do not end with childhood
24. 一个流行的说法是
A popular expression goes,
25. 其他可选择的领域
Other areas open to them
26. ..正在发挥着愈加重要的作用
..is playing a greater role in
27. 请与我一起,祝贺..先生的晋升,并预祝他在新的工作岗位上取得更大的成功!
Please join me to congratulate .. and wish him every success in the new role!
28. 披荆斩棘只争朝夕,乘风破浪志在未来
Rising to the challenges for a winning Future
29. 预计实现到位外资7.36亿美元,总量全市第一。
is expected to total $736 million, ranking first among