演讲tips 2

演讲tips 2

作者: 果冻女士 | 来源:发表于2020-02-21 14:09 被阅读0次


    文本通常有一个 title(标题),但作者常常会添加subheadings(小标题)来组织文本,帮助读者了解大意。阅读介绍演示技巧的文本的标题和小标题。

    Giving presentations

    Opening a presentation

    Presenting the main body of information

    Concluding a presentation


    Don't just stare at your notebook – look around at the people in the audience. Emphasize your key points by saying them slowly and clearly. Emphasize key words by saying them more strongly than other words.



    To summarize, we have a new CFO, sales are rising steadily and our merger with Smoot happens next month.  总而言之,我们有一位新的首席财务官,销量稳步上升而且我们与斯穆特的合并下个月开始。

    In conclusion, because of rapidly increasing sales, we're opening 10 new offices.  总之,由于销售的迅速增长,我们将开设10个新的办公室。


    用下面的表达方式来传达next steps,回答问题和感谢大家的出席。

    Next steps for us all are to come up with ideas for improving morale. Email them to me.  我们所有人下面要做的是想出提高士气的主意。把它们用邮件发送给我。

    I'll take questions now.  我现在回答问题。

    Thank you all for coming today.  谢谢大家今天的到来。

    Are there any questions?有问题吗?

    Any more questions?更多问题?

    Thanks for coming.感谢到来。

    Does anyone have any other questions?  有人有任何其他的问题吗?



    A. Yes, Harry?  什么,哈利?

    B. Are we going to have any team-building activities?  我们是否有任何团队建设活动?



    If you think of other questions, just send me an email.  如果你想到其他的问题,尽可以给我发电子邮件。



          本文标题:演讲tips 2
