
作者: 快樂很簡單 | 来源:发表于2018-04-07 01:08 被阅读6次



今天的可以讓他去死了 就因為我想要和大夥出來 就給我臉色看 我承認我也給他臉色看 可是 他選擇繼續用壞情緒面對我 可能我也有錯 可是我現在很難接受

誰讓你這樣做?你自己選的? 已經不重要了等等


Today have a partnership class with the working graduate front UniMal. They’re all working already but they are still in UniMal for further learning. We had a discussion with then about how’s Malaysia system working and how’s Indonesia system working. We did discussing about the details of activities for tomrrow at orphanage. To be honest, o can’t really involve in the discussion because it’s too hard for me to understand everything. Soon when the class end, I had a cheap and big portion lunch @ cafe!


It cost me 14k and around Rm4 something. ( all vege lah of course)

After lunch, we went to hospital for a visit there. We visited the food service line, it’s a small room and quiet underdeveloped if compare to Serdang Hospital. After that, we did visit the patient room and biomedical lab in the hospital. This hospital is actually a small private hospital in Lampung, and it’s very underdevelop lah basically.

- small kitchen to prepare all the food for patient

- sick bed have no fan

-one small lab for biochemical test.

And of course we took good picture!

OS: it reminds me, to be a great dietitian, I need to have more and more visit to different places and see how’s their food service looks like. This cannot be done by just reading from book!!!

Yesterday Ameerul have a stomachache and cannot sleep well, then today he is very tired. After the hospital visit, I decided to go out with Aiman without thinking and consider of his feeling. And this cause a very huge war between us. Luckily it’s solved after that la and I don’t want to talk more about that. It’s sad... :(

Just treat me as how I treat you, it’s very simple.

Still need to be more considerate and care more about him just like how he did to me.. so yeah.

After that, have a padang dinner with them. It’s a new way of dining and it’s a different culture for me hahahah.

After dinner, had a meeting and preparation for the event tomorrow.

Had a talk with Mirza also. He has his own secret and difficulty as well.

Respect people just like how you treat everyone.

I am really respect and understand him more now.

Had a meeting with EBs about KC tonight lohh... Google Hangout.

Thanks for everything tonight, I love the world.

Things to appreciate:

1. Thanks Ameerul for the space @ indomaret

2. Thanks Arif for forgiving me because throw the ball on his face, and it hurts!

3. Thanks Aiman for inviting all of the guys out for Juice and dinner.

4. Thanks Mirza for the sharing with me about his issue.

5. Thanks everyone and everything today <3


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