Growth Hacking 维基翻译

Growth Hacking 维基翻译

作者: 马泽骅 | 来源:发表于2018-08-06 13:11 被阅读0次

Growth hacking is a process of rapid experimentation across marketing funnel, product development, sales segments, and other areas of the business to identify the most efficient ways to grow a business. A growth hacking team is made up of marketers, developers, engineers and product managers that specifically focus on building and engaging the user base of a business.


Growth hackers often focus on low-cost alternatives to traditional marketing, e.g. using social mediaviral marketing or targeted advertising instead of buying advertising through more traditional media such as radionewspaper, and television.


Growth hacking is particularly prevalent with startups, when the goal is rapid growth in the early-stages of launching a new product or service to market. Growth hacking may focus on lowering cost per customer acquisition, or it may focus on long-term sustainability as Mason Pelt points out in a 2015 article on SiliconANGLE.com "The goal of any marketing should be long-term sustainable growth, not just a short-term gain. Growth hacking is about optimization as well as lead generation. Imagine your business is a bucket and your leads are water. You don't want to pour water into a leaky bucket; it's a waste of money. That's why a true growth hacker would care about customer retention."


Those who specialize in growth hacking use various types of marketing and product iterations to rapidly test persuasive copy, email marketing, SEO and viral strategies, among other tools and techniques, with a goal of increasing conversion rates and achieving rapid growth of the user base. It can also involve online community management and social media outreach or highly personalized outreach to news outlets to improve performance metrics such as driving customer acquisition and selling products. Some consider growth hacking a part of the online marketing ecosystem, as in many cases growth hackers are using techniques such as search engine optimization, website analytics, content marketing and A/B testing.


Product development is also heavily influenced by the growth hacker mindset. Instead of long development cycles followed by user testing. Growth hackers start user testing with wireframes and sketches; validating ideas at every stage. A growth hacker in a product development role would start user testing in a coffee shop instead of a corporate usability lab.



Sean Ellis coined the term "growth hacker" in 2010. In the blog post, he defined a growth hacker as "a person whose true north is growth. Everything they do is scrutinized by its potential impact on scalable growth." Andrew Chen introduced the term to a wider audience in a blog post titled, "Growth Hacker is the new VP Marketing" in which he defined the term and used the short term vacation rental platform Airbnb's integration of Craigslist as an example. He wrote that growth hackers "are a hybrid of marketer and coder, one who looks at the traditional question of 'How do I get customers for my product?' and answers with A/B tests, landing pages, viral factor, email deliverability, and Open Graph." In 2012, Aaron Ginn defined a growth hacker on TechCrunch as a "mindset of data, creativity, and curiosity." In the book "Growth Hacking", Chad Riddersen and Raymond Fong define a Growth Hacker as "a highly resourceful and creative marketer singularly focused on high leverage growth" .

Sean Ellis 在2010年杜撰了“增长黑客”这个词。在博客的文章中,他定义增长黑客为“一个朝正前方成长的人。他们审视他们做的每一件事,在他的潜力对增长起作用的时候。” Andrew Chen 把这个词介绍给广泛的受众在博客文章的标题,“增长黑客是新的营销总监”,除了定义这个词,比如他还使用这个词在度假出租平台Airbnb的集成式克雷格列表。他写到“增长黑客是一个营销人员和码农的混合体,一个着眼于本质问题 ‘如何为产品获取客户’ 的人,一个用 ‘A/B测试、展示页面、病毒式传播、可传送的邮件、开放图景’ 作为回答的人”。在2012年,Aaron Ginn 在TechCrunch定义增长黑客为 “具有数据思维、有创造性、有好奇心” 的人。在“增长黑客”一书中,Chad Riddersen 和 Raymond Fong 定义增长黑客为 “一个非常机智和有创意的营销者,并且非常注重杠杆式的增长” 。

The second annual (2013) "Growth Hackers Conference" was held in San Francisco set up by Gagan Biyani. It featured growth hackers from LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube among others. In 2015, Sean Ellis and Everette Taylor created GrowthHackers - the largest website community dedicated to growth hacking and now host the annual GrowthHackers Conference.

第二年度的 “增长黑客大会” 在旧金山举行。由来自领英、推特、YouTube的增长黑客为主。在2015年,Sean Ellis 和 Everette Taylor 创建了 “增长黑客” ——最大的网站社区,为增长黑客和当前的年度增长黑客大会做贡献。


To combat this lack of money and experience, growth hackers approach marketing with a focus on innovation, scalability, and user connectivity. Growth hacking does not, however, separate product design and product effectiveness from marketing. Growth hackers build the product's potential growth, including user acquisition, on-boarding, monetization, retention, and virality, into the product itself. Fast Company used Twitter "Suggested Users List" as example: "This was Twitter's real secret: It built marketing into the product rather than building infrastructure to do a lot of marketing." However growth hacking isn't always free. TechCrunch shared several nearly free growth hacks explaining that growth hacking is effective marketing and not mythical marketing pixie dust. As new tools(SaaS) come out specifically that focus on more advanced forms of Growth Hacking, more and more tools are being offered as free.

为对抗缺少钱和经验的情况,增长黑客为达到营销的目标,聚焦于创新、延展性、用户粘性。但是,增长黑客工具不这样做,而是从营销中把产品设计和产品效果分隔开。增长黑客工具构建产品的潜在增长力,包括获取用户、导入用户、市值化管理、用户留存、病毒式传播,从而使用户进入产品本身。快公司用推特的 “为用户建议表” 作为案例:“这是推特真正的机密:它宁愿花费在产品的营销上,也不愿为基础建设投入大量营销。” 然而增长黑客工具也不总是免费的。TechCrunch 分享了几个最近的免费增长黑客工具,说明免费的工具也会有有效的营销,和非虚构的仙尘营销技术。SaaS作为新工具的出现,专注于更先进的形态,越来越多的工具开始免费提供。

The heart of growth hacking is the relentless focus on growth as the only metric that truly matters. Mark Zuckerberg had this mindset while growing Facebook. While the exact methods vary from company to company and from one industry to the next, the common denominator is always growth. Companies that have successfully "growth hacked" usually have a viral loop naturally built into their onboarding process. New customers typically hear about the product or service through their network and by using the product or service, share it with their connections in turn. This loop of awareness, use, and sharing can result in exponential growth for the company.


Growth hacking frames the user acquisition process through the "funnel" metaphor (in short, new users flow through a 5-stage funnel - acquisition, activation, retention, revenue, referral). Rapidly optimizing this process is a core goal of growth hacking, since making each stage of the funnel more efficient will increase the number of users in the most advantageous stages of the funnel.

增长黑客设计用户获取流程类似 “漏斗”(短期内,新增用户流量通过 “漏斗式” 的5个阶段:获取、激活、留存、获益、推荐)。快速优化流程是增长黑客的核心目标,由于提高了漏斗每一阶段的有效性,这将会增加用户数在漏斗最有优势的阶段。

TwitterFacebookDropboxPinterestYouTubeGrouponUdemyInstagram and Google are all companies that used and still use growth hacking techniques to build brands and improve profits.



An early example of "growth hacking" was Hotmail's inclusion of "PS I Love You" with a link for others to get the free online mail service. Another example was the offer of more storage by Dropbox to users who referred their friends.

一个较早的增长黑客例子是,Hotmail的夹杂物中用一句 “PS I Love You” 的超链接为他人得到免费的在线邮箱服务。另一个例子是Dropbox为推荐给朋友的用户提供更大的储存空间。

Online worldwide independent lodging company, Airbnb, is an example of growth hacking by coupling technology and ingenuity. Airbnb realized they could essentially hack the Craiglist.org scale and tap both into their user base as well as their website by adding automated listing generators from Airbnb with the feature called "Post to Craigslist". The company's growth was a combination of clever thinking and technical know-how.

全球的在线的独立的房屋出租公司——Airbnb,有一个结合了技术和新颖设计的增长黑客例子。Airbnb意识到他们有必要开辟Craiglist.org网站来衡量和接通双方,从而对接到基础用户,而且他们的网站增加了自动化表格生成器,被称作 “发布到克雷格列表”。公司的成长是结合了机智的思考和实现技术的路径。

Growth hacking expert, author and international speaker, Vin Clancy, maintains if your prospects don't buy from you, there are likely 10 other vendors they can choose from. Standing out isn’t a choice, it’s essential in the modern business and social media landscape. In his book, Secret Sauce, The Ultimate Growth Hacking Guide (co-written by Austen Allred), Vin offers a dozen strategies you can actually use to grow a company, service, product, or app. In his latest book, Ace the Game, he provides a collection of every timely growth hacking technique that's currently being used. From content marketing, to social media, to SEO, and lead generation and everything in-between.

增长黑客专家、作者、国际演说家——Vin Clancy,宣称如果你的潜在客户不从你这里买,可能还有10个不同的卖家供他们选择。虽然突显自己不是一种选择,但在现代的商业和社交媒体领域却是非常必要的。在他的《秘诀,终极增长黑客指南》一书中,Vin提供了一打你可以用来成长一家公司、服务、产品、App的策略。在他的新书《游戏中的高手》中,他提供了一堆及时的现在正在使用的增长黑客技术。从内容营销,到社交媒体,再到搜索引擎优化,引导了一代人和很多事情贯穿其间。

One of the easiest examples of "growth hacking" is to add "?sub_confirmation=1" at the end of your Youtube channel URL. Everybody will see a popup "Confirm Channel Subscription" (works only on desktops). This growth hacking tactic increases YouTube subscribers by 400%.

一个最简单的 “增长黑客” 例子是,添加 "?sub_confirmation=1" 在你的Youtube频道网址的后面。然后就可以看见弹出的消息 “确认订阅频道” (仅在桌面作业)。这次增长黑客策略提升了400%的 Youtube 订阅量。

Noah Kagan's submission form had four fields: Name, Email, URL, Revenue. He decided to remove the "revenue" field altogether, leaving only three fields—Name, Email and URL. This small change meant an improvement in his conversion rate of 26%.

Noah Kagan的提交表单有四个字段栏:姓名、邮箱、网址、收入。他决定删除掉收入栏,剩下仅有的姓名、邮箱和网址三个字段栏。这个小的改变意味着他的转换率提升了26% 。

The University of Alberta increased email subscribers by 500% using a popup survey by Qualaroo that asked anyone who spent more than 10 seconds on the site: “You seem interested in UAlberta news. Would you like to sign up for the Daily News email?”.

阿尔伯塔大学增加了500%的邮件订阅量,通过用一个弹出调查表的消息框,Qualaroo 征求每一个花费超过10秒钟在这个网站的人:“你好像对阿尔伯塔大学的新闻有兴趣。你想注册每日新闻邮件吗?”。





    本文标题:Growth Hacking 维基翻译
