hello,又是一周,周二了,最近事情很多,所以祝大家生活快乐,我们来继续看一下10X单细胞空间联合分析的内容,参考文献在Benchmarking spatial and single-cell transcriptomics integration methods for transcript distribution prediction and cell type deconvolution,于2022年5月16日在线发表于国际知名学术期刊Nature Methods,文中系统性评估了16种空间转录组和单细胞转录组数据整合算法在预测基因或细胞类型空间分布方面的性能。
联合方法 | 特点 |
gimVI | employs a deep generative model to infer the likely spatial distribution of undetected transcripts |
SpaGE | uses the domain adaptation algorithm PRECISE and k-nearest-neighbor regression to predict the spatial distribution of undetected transcripts |
Tangram | uses non-convex optimization and a deep learning framework to learn a spatial alignment for scRNA-seq data |
Seurat | applies canonical correlation analysis to embed spatial and scRNA-seq data into a common latent space, and projects cells from scRNA-seq data to the spots of the spatial transcriptomics data |
LIGER | uses both integrative non-negative matrix factorization and shared factor neighborhood graphs to predict gene expression levels in space |
novoSpaRc and SpaOTsc | use optimal transport methods to construct spatial metrics of cells on the basis of scRNA-seq data |
stPlus | ombines the auto-encoder and weighted k-nearest-neighbor methods to predict spatial gene expression |
此外,Seurat、Tangram、novoSpaRc 和 SpaOTsc 能够将 scRNA-seq 数据中的细胞分配到组织切片中的空间位置;这对于提高使用空间转录组学方法(如 ST 或 10X Visium)生成的空间转录组学数据的分辨率非常有用。
联合方法 | 特点 |
Cell2location | uses the gene expression signature of the cell subpopulations in scRNA-seq data to estimate the abundance of each cell type at each spot |
RCTD | applies cell type profiles learned from scRNA-seq data and supervised learning to decompose cell type mixtures |
SpatialDWLS | adopts the weighted-least-squares approach to infer cell type composition |
Stereoscope | leverages the model-based probabilistic method and scRNA-seq data to deconvolve the cell mixtures in spatial data |
SPOTlight | applies the seeded non-negative matrix factorization for the deconvolution of spots |
DSTG | deconvolutes spatial transcriptomics data using graph-based convolutional networks |
STRIDE | uses the topic profiles trained from scRNA-seq data to decompose cell types from spatial mixtures |
DestVI | adopts the variational inference and latent variable models to delineate cell type proportions |
这些整合方法的出现无疑加深了对空间转录组学数据及相关生物学和病理过程的理解。然而,没有独立研究全面比较这些整合方法在预测转录物空间分布或组织切片中斑点的细胞类型去卷积方面的性能。在这里,使用多个指标系统地对 16 种集成方法的性能进行基准测试,这些方法可以预测未检测到的转录物的空间分布,或组织切片中斑点的细胞类型组成,基于对包含空间转录组学数据的 45 个配对数据集的处理和 scRNA-seq 数据和 32 个模拟数据集。评估了每种整合方法在预测转录本空间分布方面的准确性,包括从原始数据集中下采样的稀疏空间转录组学数据。还根据数据集的模拟评估了组织切片中斑点的细胞类型去卷积的整合方法的准确性,其中每个斑点可以包含多个不同类型的细胞。最后,评估了每种集成方法消耗的计算资源。研究结果可以帮助研究人员为他们的数据集选择合适的集成方法,并且他们提出了一些有趣的问题,即各种处理和数据集特定属性如何影响这些工具在空间转录组学研究中的集成性能。