The gay genius-chapter11

The gay genius-chapter11

作者: 夕瑶瑶 | 来源:发表于2017-12-19 22:35 被阅读0次

    Central  Thoughts:

    Hangchow was like a second home to Su Tungpo not only because of the beauty of its hills and foeests and lake and sea and its busy streets and magnificent temples, but also because he was very popular with the people and spent some of his happiest days there.Su Tungpo and West Lake make a perfect combination in mood,vagrant charm and love and laughter.The peotry of the region and the poetry of the poet found in each other a perfect expression. He disliked to arrested those who had violated laws of the regime, because he disapproved it. Yet there was the law and he could not alter it. So he tried to escape to nature, courtesans and monks.Therefor, hispoetic spirit feasted upon the beauties of the neighborhood. The Sung courtesans had popularized a new form of poetry,the tse, and Su Tungpo mastered it and transformed it from a meter for sentimental poetry of the lovelorn into a vehicle fit to express any thought or sentiment in his breast.Because the liberation of poetry from decadent onertia always came from the growth of a new form of poems popularized by the courtesans. But he never became enamored of any of the courtesans.There was a small collection of tales about Su Tungpo and his friend the pleasure-loving monk Foyin.Both of them were quite a wit. Su Tungpo could enjoy doing above all things,mainly because he had a good wife.Mrs.Su know the depth of his character,a character with so many fects, so easygoing and yet at times so intense and strong-willed.At the same time,she understanded her husband and favorted him.Finally,there was Su Tungpo's first love for his cousin,who to us , unfortunately , is nameless.

    Words and Sentences:

    (1)opprobrium  n.耻辱




    (3)make up one's mind    打定主意

    例:She had made up her mind that her best job was to be a wife , a good one.

    (1)The poetry of the region and the poetry of the poet found in each other a perfect expression.


    (2)Meanwhile , he enjoyed himself when and where he could.



    (3)The liberation of poetry from decadent inertia always came from the groqth of a new form of poems popularized by the courtesans.





          本文标题:The gay genius-chapter11
