第二章第八节 避免剽窃6

第二章第八节 避免剽窃6

作者: 黄虎 | 来源:发表于2017-03-30 15:18 被阅读25次

If the authors idea triggers a respones in your mind—such as a question, a connection between this idea and something else youve read, or an experience of your own that supports challenges what the author says—write it down and put brackets (not parentheses) around it so that you will be able to identify it as your own when you review your notes. Here is a sample research record illustrating these two steps:


Adler, Mortimer J. The Great Ideas: A Lexicon of Western Thought (New Youk: Macmillan, 1992) Says that throughout the ages, from ancient Greece, philosophers have argues about whether various ideas are true. Says it`s remarkable that most renowned thinkers have agreed about what truth is — ''a correspondence between thought and reality.'' 867 Also says that Freud saw this as the scientific view of truth. Quotes Freud:"this correspondence with the real external world we call truth. It is the aim of scientific work, even when the practical value of that work does not interest us." 869 [I say true statements fit the facts; false statements do not.]


这是与小伙伴一起,使用对赌基金阅读原版Beyond Feelings第18天的内容。



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