Whenever you look back on this record, even a year from now, you will be able to tell at glance which idea and words are the authors or which are yours. The first three sentence are, with the exception of the directly quoted part, paraphrases of the arthor
s ideas. Next is a direct quotation. The final sentence, in brackets, is your own idea.
Step 3: When you compose your paper, work borrowed ideas and words int your own writing by judicious use of quoting and paraphrasing. In addition, give credit to the various authors. Your goal here is to eliminate all doubt about which ideas and words belong to them. In formal presentations, this crediting is done in footnotes; in informal ones, it is done simply by mentationing the author`a name.
这是与小伙伴一起,使用对赌基金阅读原版Beyond Feelings第19天的内容。