Talking about cold weather
It's a bit chilly.
This means that it is a little cold, not very cold, just a little cold.
It is freezing. Freezing means very cold, not just chilly, but very cold.
You can see your breath, to see your breath means that you can literally seethe air when ou breath on it, usually if you can see your breath it is freezing.
you will need to bundle up. This means to wear layers of clothes to keep yourself warm.
Talking about rain
It is drizzling at the monment. Drizzling means that it's raining lightly. it's not heavy. Dizzle is so light that it can be like mist.
It's onl y spitting. Spitting is even lighter than drizzling. It means that a few raindrops are falling, but it isn't really raining.
Suddenly, the heavens open. it means that it is raining a lot. it's really heavy.
It is chucking it down, this means that it is raining a lot. It's really heavy. It is the type of rain that people find it difficult to drive in or walk in.
My clothes are getting soaked. This means that my clothes are very wet because of the rain.
So we get to work, only a little damp from the rain thanks fo the umbrella. here, damp means something is sightly wet.
Talkin about the bad weather
It is very overcast and dark overhead.
for example: From the window, I can see that it's very overcast and dark overhead.
overcast is to say that is overcast means that the clouds are covering the sky, you can't see the sun.
dark overhead , the clouds are very dark, most likely this is because it is raining or going to rain soon.
there is a storm brewing. this means that you think a storm will start very soon,you are sure there's going to be a storm, you can see it in the sky.
I can see lightning.Lightning is a large electric flash of light.After the lightning you hear thunder.
I can hear thunder. Thurder is the noise that you hear caused by lightning.
Thunderstorms. are storms that have lightning,thunder and it is also chucking it down as well.
The wind picks up.It's almost a gale. The wind picks up when the wind becomes stronger.
A gale is a very strong wind,which can be dangerous.
Talking about hot weather
There isn't a cloud in the sky.
It is baking hot
It is completely still
It is scorcher today.
It's boiling.
Talking about wintry weather
The weather forecast tells you that tomorrow it will begin with a bit of frost on the ground ,and it will be sleeting in the afternoon,there will be a flurry of snow but then it will turn into a blizzard by the evening.
The snow on the floor will turn into slush. It will be below freezing for the most of the day.