

作者: 小贴贴七夏 | 来源:发表于2017-12-13 22:22 被阅读130次

太马福音 5:1-16;
唱诗:诗篇 37:16

温柔的人有福了,因为他们必承受地土。(太 5:5)

我并非要讨论整篇《登山宝训》,今天我们默想的重点是其中的一福:“温柔的人有福了,因为他们必承受地土。” 也许,在这个祝福中我们能发现整篇讲道的主旨。







January 13
Matthew 5:1-16 
Song: Psalm 37:16


Blessed are the meek. for they will inherit the earth. (Matthew 5:5)

It is not my intention to discuss the entire Sermon on the Mount. I want to highlight only one of the Beatitudes in today's meditation: "Blessed are the meek. for they will inherit the earth." We find this Beatitude, perhaps, the theme of the entire sermon.

I once heard a variation on this passage: "Blessed are the believers, for they will inherit a heartache." The idea is: if you put your trust in people, you will be disappointed. Often, unfortunately, that is true.

But those who are meek are called "blessed". They are to be congratulated as heirs of God's grace and goodness. And so we ask: what does it mean to be meek?

The meek have a special attitude toward God and neighbor. When it comes to God, the meek are humble and reverent. They do not rebel against God or become angry with him. They patiently await the help and justice of God, even in great trials (Psalm 37).

And when it pertains to their neighbors, the meek are kind and gentle. We should not confuse meekness with weakness in this respect. The meek are not people who constantly let others run over them. They seek that which leads to peace. The are not focused solely on their own benefit but also on the well being of their neighbor.

Our Lord Jesus Christ was meek. He was willing to take our sin and shame upon himself, and not once did he shrink back from this awesome task. Life en route is learning to be like him.

Question: Discuss why meekness is not weakness. Are you meek?


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