a brief history of caninebalism

a brief history of caninebalism

作者: c51ebd4f18de | 来源:发表于2021-07-30 21:54 被阅读0次

    15th century Europeans believed they had hit upon a miracle cure: a remedy for epilepsy, hemorrhage, bruising, nausea, and virtually any other medical ailment.

    miracle cure [ˈmɪrəkl kjʊr] 灵丹妙药


    hit upon- hit on 突然想出(主意或解决办法);对…进行性挑逗

    remedy  [ˈremədi] 处理方式,疗法,药品

    remedy for  补救 解决

    epilepsy  [ˈepɪlepsi] 癫痫

    Hemorrhage  [ˈhɛmərɪdʒ]  出血;(尤指大量的)失血;番茄汁

    Bruising  [ˈbruːzɪŋ] 撞伤;擦伤;打击;挫伤

    nausea  [ˈnɔːziə] 恶心;呕吐感

    Virtually  [ˈvɜːrtʃuəli]  几乎;实际上;事实上;差不多 

    Any other 其他的 任何其他的

    ailnet  [ˈelmənt]  疾病;病痛;(尤指)微恙



    This brown powder could be mixed into drinks, made into salves or eaten straight up.


    Mix into 把…混(掺)入…

    Make into 把…做成;把…转变为,使成为

    Salves  [sævz] 膏药

    It was known as mumia and made by grinding up mummified human flesh.


    Known as 被称为;被认为是;以…而闻名

    mumia[՝mʌmiə] 蛹 

    Made by 由……制造;制表人

    Grind up [ɡraɪnd ʌp]  磨碎 碾碎 将… 磨成粉

    mummified  [ˈmʌmɪfaɪd]  把尸体制成木乃伊

    human flesh  [ˈhjuːmən fleʃ]  人肉

    The world “cannibal”dates from time of Christopher Columbus; in fact, Columbus may even have coined it himself.


    Cannibal [ˈkænɪbl] 食人族

    Date from 追溯到 ; 开始于 ; 始建于[deɪts] 

    Christopher Columbus [ˈkrɪstəfər kəˈlʌmbəs] 哥伦布;克里斯托弗·哥伦布;航海家哥伦布

    Coined  [kɔɪnd] 创造 铸造

    After coming ashore on the island of Guadeloupe, Columbus’ initial reports back to the Queen of Spain described the indigenous people as friendly and peaceful—though he did mention rumors of a group called the Caribs, who made violent raids and then cooked and ate their prisoners.


    Ashore  [əˈʃɔːr] 上岸 到陆地上

    Guadeloupe  [ˌgwɑdəˈlup] 瓜达卢佩

    initial [ɪˈnɪʃl]  最初的 开始的

    indigenous people  [ɪnˈdɪdʒənəs ˈpiːpl]土著人

    indigenous  [ɪnˈdɪdʒənəs] 当地的;本土的;土生土长的

    rumors  [ˈrumərz]  谣言

    Raids [reɪdz]  突袭

    prisoners [ˈprɪzənərz]  囚犯

    In response, Queen Isabella granted permission to capture and enslave anyone who ate human flesh.


    In response 作为回应

    granted  [ˈɡræntɪd] 同意

    grant permission 批准

    Capture  [ˈkæptʃər]  俘虏

    Enslave[ɪnˈsleɪv] 使成为奴隶;奴役 



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