ls [OPTION]... [DRIECTORY]... // list directory contents 显示目录内容
-a // 显示指定目录下的所有子目录与文件,包括隐含目录
-l // 显示指定目录下的所有子目录与文件及详细信息
-d // 显示目录
cd [DRIECTORY]... // change directory contents 切换目录
pwd [DRIECTORY]... // print name of current/working directory 显示当前目录
mkdir [OPTION]... [DRIECTORY]... // make directories 创建新目录
-p // no error if existing, make parent directories as needed
-m // set file mode (as in chmod), not a=rwx - umask
touch [FILE]... // change file timestamps 修改文件的创建日期或以当前系统日期创建新文件
cp [OPTION]... [FILE] [DRIECTORY] //copy files and directories 复制一文件或目录到另一个目录
-f // if an existing destination file cannot be opened, remove it and try again (redundant if the-noption is used) 如果目录已经存在,不提示直接覆盖
-i // prompt before overwrite (overrides a previous-noption) 覆盖之前先询问
mv [OPTION]... [FILE] [DRIECTORY]... // move (rename) files 将一文件、目录重命名或移到另一个目录中
-f // if an existing destination file cannot be opened, remove it and try again (redundant if the-noption is used) 如果目录已经存在,不提示直接覆盖
-i // prompt before overwrite (overrides a previous-noption) 覆盖之前先询问
rm [OPTION]... [DRIECTORY]... // remove files or directories 删除一目录中的多个文件或目录
-f // ignore nonexistent files, never prompt
-r // remove directories and their contents recursively
-i // prompt before every removal
cat [OPTION]... [DRIECTORY]... // concatenate files and print on the standard output 连接文件或输出文件内容
which [COMMAND] // 显示命令文件的位置
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