

作者: 晓楠得一录 | 来源:发表于2022-10-04 19:33 被阅读0次


    "Don't you try to scare us with the law," Third Master warned. "The law is one thing today and another tomorrow. What I'm talking about is the law of family relations, and that never changes! As long as you live you belong to his family, and after you die your ghost will belong to them too! The tree may be a thousand feet tall, but the leaves fall back to the roots."

    Liusu stood up. "Why didn't you say all this back then?"

    "I was afraid you'd be upset and think that we weren't will­ing to take you in."

    "Oh? But now you're not afraid of upsetting me? Now that you've spent all my money, you're not afraid of upsetting me?"

    "I spent your money?" Third Master demanded, pressing his face close to hers. "I spent your few paltry coins? You live in our house, and everything you eat and drink comes out of our pockets. Sure, in the past, it was no problem. One more per­son, two more chopsticks, that's all. But these days? Well, just go and find out for yourself—what does rice cost now? I didn't mention money, but you had to bring it up!"


    To be upset is to be disturbed or very unhappy. You can be upset, and you can also upset someone — but you probably didn’t mean to.

    Upset has multiple senses. It generally refers to something that has been knocked over, turned upside down, or disturbed. Just as your coffee cup can be upset — knocked over or disturbed –- so can your emotions –- and your stomach. Upset can also refer to an unexpected victory. You might be so upset by the upset of your favorite team that you upset your table in frustration.


    To mention something is to bring it up. If your mother embarrasses you by constantly mentioning your stuffed animal that you've been sleeping with for the past 15 years, you might mention it to her.

    To bring something is to carry or convey it somewhere. A trained dog will bring back a stick.

    The verb bring "carries" the idea of conveying something. You might ask a friend to bring you to school, and you might bring your friend cookies as a thank you. You could bring a legal suit against someone, or bring yourself to do something unpleasant. Good fortune might bring you happiness, while a hunter might bring down their prey with one shot. The number seven is supposed to bring good luck. The slang expression “bring it” means to do your best.




