

作者: BlessNeo | 来源:发表于2017-05-31 18:07 被阅读681次

Fastlane Github地址
Fastlane Tools

1. Fastlane简介:

The easiest way to automate building and releasing your iOS and Android apps.

Fastlane 化繁为简,只需一条命令就可实现从 Xcode 项目到 编译\打包\构建\提交审核。

2. Fastlane 安装

首先,确保你已经安装了最新的 Xcode command line tools

xcode-select --install

由于 masOS 新的文件权限限制,如果在网上搜到的安装命令不成功,尝试添加-n /usr/local/bin

$ sudo gem install -n /usr/local/bin fastlane
Successfully installed fastlane-2.35.1
Parsing documentation for fastlane-2.35.1
Done installing documentation for fastlane after 10 seconds
1 gem installed

检查 Fastlane 版本

➜  ~ fastlane --version
fastlane installation at path:
fastlane 2.35.1


3. 开始使用 Fastlane

在终端中 cd 到你的工程的根目录,然后输入命令

fastlane init

如果是第一次使用 fastlane ,会要求输入你的苹果开发者账号

cd 项目目录
fastlane init 
[17:29:05]: Your Apple ID (e.g. fastlane@krausefx.com): 你的开发者AppleID
[17:29:40]: Verifying that app is available on the Apple Developer Portal and iTunes Connect...
[17:29:40]: Starting login with user 'xxxxx'

|                    Detected Values                    |
| Apple ID       |        xxxx               |
| App Name       |             xxxx                    |
| App Identifier |           xxxxx            |
| Workspace      |        xxxxx          |

[17:29:52]: Please confirm the above values (y/n)
// init 成功
[17:31:26]: Successfully finished setting up fastlane
//如果已经 init 过,就是下面的内容
[17:24:56]: fastlane is already set up at path ./fastlane/
  • 期间会让你输入 Apple ID 账号密码(这个信息会存在钥匙串中,后续使用无需再输入密码)
  • 会检测当前的 app identifier 是否在 Apple Dev Center 中
  • 会检测当前 app 是否在 iTunes Connect 中
  • 如果已经在 Apple Dev Center 和 iTunes Connect 中创建相应的信息,那么过程会很顺利

成功之后,会在你工程的根目录下创建fastlane文件夹,里面都是从 iTunes Connect 获取到的当前 App 的相关信息。
你最感兴趣的文件应该是fastlane/Fastfile,因为它包含了你分发你的 APP 的所有信息。

3.1 使用 fastlane 部署 iOS 测试
3.1.2 打包 APP

通过 fastlane 的工具 gym 实现自动打包,修改之前提到的文件fastlane/Fastfile,添加以下内容

lane :beta do
  gym(scheme: "MyApp")


lane :beta do
  gym(scheme: "MyApp",
      workspace: "Example.xcworkspace",
      include_bitcode: true)


fastlane beta

如果一切 OK,会在当前目录下创建[ProductName].ipa


fastlane action gym

或者访问官网 fastlane/gym

3.1.2 使用 Fastlane 上传 App 到蒲公英

官网有一篇教程,可是我按照这个教程没有成功过,Google 了大半天还是没搞定,就在从入门到放弃的时候,看到了蒲公英在 Github 上的介绍,终于解决了问题。我的解决办法如下:

  • 首先在终端中cd到你的Project根目录,然后通过以下命令为你的Project安装蒲公英Fastlane插件
fastlane add_plugin pgyer
[11:13:24]: Make sure to commit your Gemfile, Gemfile.lock and Pluginfile to version control
Installing plugin dependencies...
Successfully installed plugins
  • 成功后就可以修改Fastlane文件,关键代码如下:
default_platform :ios

platform :ios do
  before_all do
    # ENV["SLACK_URL"] = "https://hooks.slack.com/services/..."
 cocoapods(use_bundle_exec: false)

desc " lane 描述信息:通过蒲公英 fastlane 插件实现上传 APP 到蒲公英"
 lane :beta do
       workspace: "xxx.xcworkspace",
       export_method: "ad-hoc")
   pgyer(api_key: "从蒲公英项目详情中获取的 apikey",
         user_key: "从蒲公英项目详情中获取的 userkey",
         update_description: "本次测试更新的文字说明")
  • 最后,运行下面命令,实现自动打包上传 APP 到蒲公英。
fastlane beta
  • 成功的信息如下
[11:23:58]: Successfully exported and compressed dSYM file
# 成功打包
[11:23:58]: Successfully exported and signed the ipa file:
[11:23:58]: /Users/xxxx/Documents/ComponyProject/xxx/xxx/trunk/xxx/xxx.ipa
[11:23:58]: -------------------
[11:23:58]: --- Step: pgyer ---
[11:23:58]: -------------------
[11:23:58]: The pgyer plugin is working.
[11:23:58]: build_file: /Users/xxx/Documents/ComponyProject/xxx/xxxx/trunk/xxxx/xxx.ipa
[11:23:58]: Start upload /Users/xxx/Documents/ComponyProject/xxx/xxx/trunk/xxx/xxx.ipa to pgyer...
# 成功上传到蒲公英,打开下载连接查看
[11:24:02]: Upload success. Visit this URL to see: https://www.pgyer.com/xxxx

|             fastlane summary             |
| Step | Action              | Time (in s) |
| 1    | Verifying required  | 0           |
|      | fastlane version    |             |
| 2    | default_platform    | 0           |
| 3    | cocoapods           | 4           |
| 4    | gym                 | 148         |
| 5    | pgyer               | 4           |

[11:24:02]: fastlane.tools finished successfully 🎉


  • 自己犯得第一个错误是没有安装蒲公英插件到当前工程,而是直接在终端中输入了fastlane add_plugin pgyer,以为这个插件是全局的。官方的文档也没有很明确的说出这一点,难道是这个git:(master)?
    GitHub 倒是很明确的说明了

This project is a fastlane plugin. To get started with fastlane-plugin-pgyer
, add it to your project by running:

fastlane add_plugin pgyer
  • 官网教程是通过bundle实现的。但是通过命令bundle exec老是卡死在 cocoapods 上,Google 了半天也没解决(自己对 Ruby 不熟悉,GemfileGemfile.lock添加了gem 'cocoapods',gem 'fastlane'还是无效,懒得深入了)
    Fastlane failed to run pod install
    解决方法是:在 Fastlane 文件修改如下:
before_all do
    # ENV["SLACK_URL"] = "https://hooks.slack.com/services/..."
    # 如果是 cocoapods 尝试改为下面内容
    cocoapods(use_bundle_exec: false)
  • 蒲公英的进阶用法请参考官网,比如加密发布。




  • LD_左岸:fastlane init
    [✔] 🚀
    [✔] Looking for iOS and Android projects in current directory...
    [09:30:10]: Created new folder './fastlane'.
    [09:30:10]: Detected an iOS/macOS project in the current directory: 'MinTeMatch.xcworkspace'
    [09:30:11]: -----------------------------
    [09:30:11]: --- Welcome to fastlane 🚀 ---
    [09:30:11]: -----------------------------
    [09:30:11]: fastlane can help you with all kinds of automation for your mobile app
    [09:30:11]: We recommend automating one task first, and then gradually automating more over time
    [09:30:11]: What would you like to use fastlane for?
    1. 📸 Automate screenshots
    2. 👩‍✈️ Automate beta distribution to TestFlight
    3. 🚀 Automate App Store distribution
    4. 🛠 Manual setup - manually setup your project to automate your tasks
    ? 4
    [09:31:05]: ------------------------------------------------------------
    [09:31:05]: --- Setting up fastlane so you can manually configure it ---
    [09:31:05]: ------------------------------------------------------------
    [09:31:05]: Installing dependencies for you...
    [09:31:05]: $ bundle update

    BlessNeo:@左岸__ 记得终端是默认用不了代理的,你可以 Google 一下如何让终端走代理,这个是一个 SS 的教程。https://github.com/mrdulin/blog/issues/18
    LD_左岸:@BlessNeo 打开蓝灯了 百搭
  • 时间shiwo9:将app上传到蒲公英,安装插件的时候,一直停留在Installing plugin dependencies...是怎什么情况????
    轮子糙:@BlessNeo 科学上网也是一样,试过多变很懵逼

