Where is your hometown? If you have another chance, would you go back to your hometown or would you still live in the big city. For me, I will go back to my hometown because it's less polluted and definitely less stressful.
When I was young, I always wanted to see the big city,
I wanted to see new things,
I wanted to discover things which I'm not familiar with. If we are talking about the living environment, new things make me happy. Therefore, I thought, if only I can leave my hometown, it would be heaven, anywhere would be heaven compared to my home because everything would be new for me if I move to a new place especially in a big city. But the real world is not everything that I had imagined, it's not easy as I thought it would be .It's hard to believe what other people say until you experience it yourself. I guess that's the nature of human being, you will not believe something if you don't see it with your own eyes or touch it with your own hand. Maybe this is the reason why we have the saying that "If you don't follow the elder’s advice, you will regret it in the future." In the first place, they did it when they were young. I was always told to stay in my home but I wanted to explore. Now, I understand that living in your own hometown is the best and the most comfortable because you know every place and it would be easier for you to accept new things especially in this internet era, we can achieve almost anything, not limited by our location. So why do we still want to live in the big city? To be happier? To have more opportunities?
So guys, if you just graduated from school and you have the chance to stay in your hometown then please compare and compare, and think twice. If the result is the same as living in the city then please go home so that you may use what you learned to make your hometown better and more beautiful. Love you my hometown and I wish you all the best.