在这个练习中,您将实现正规化的线性回归,和用它来研究模型的 不同的偏差-方差 特性。
- 预测 水库的水位变化时,水流出水坝的量。
2.写出带正则化项的代价函数和梯度 linearRegCostFunction.m
function [J, grad] = linearRegCostFunction(X, y, theta, lambda)
% Initialize some useful values
m = length(y); % number of training examples
n = size(X, 2);
% You need to return the following variables correctly
J = 0;
grad = zeros(size(theta)); % n*1
% ====================== YOUR CODE HERE ======================
% X=m*n theta=n*1
H = X*theta; % m*1
E = H-y; % m*1
theta_reg = [0; theta(2:end)];
J = (1/(2*m)) * (E'*E + lambda*(theta_reg'*theta_reg));
grad = (1/m) * (X'*E + lambda*theta_reg); % n*1
% =========================================================================
grad = grad(:);
3.选择多项式次数 validationCurve4degree.m
function [degree_vec, error_train, error_val] = ...
validationCurve4degree(X, y, Xval, yval)
m = size(X, 1);
% Selected values of dimension (you should not change this)
degree_vec = zeros(10,1);
for i = 1:10
degree_vec(i) = i;
% You need to return these variables correctly.
error_train = zeros(length(degree_vec), 1);
error_val = zeros(length(degree_vec), 1);
% ====================== YOUR CODE HERE ======================
for p = 1:length(degree_vec)
[X_poly] = polyFeatures(X, p);
[X_poly, mu, sigma] = featureNormalize(X_poly); % Normalize
X_poly = [ones(m, 1), X_poly]; % Add Ones
X_poly_val = polyFeatures(Xval, p);
X_poly_val = bsxfun(@minus, X_poly_val, mu);
X_poly_val = bsxfun(@rdivide, X_poly_val, sigma);
X_poly_val = [ones(size(X_poly_val, 1), 1), X_poly_val]; % Add Ones
[theta] = trainLinearReg(X_poly, y, 0);
[error_train(p), grad_train] = linearRegCostFunction(X_poly, y, theta, 0);
[error_val(p), grad_val] = linearRegCostFunction(X_poly_val, yval, theta, 0);
% =========================================================================
用Jtest(θp)验证模型的泛化误差 ex5_2.m
p = 3; % Selected Polynomial Degree
[X_poly] = polyFeatures(X, p);
[X_poly, mu, sigma] = featureNormalize(X_poly); % Normalize
X_poly = [ones(m, 1), X_poly]; % Add Ones
X_poly_val = polyFeatures(Xval, p);
X_poly_val = bsxfun(@minus, X_poly_val, mu);
X_poly_val = bsxfun(@rdivide, X_poly_val, sigma);
X_poly_val = [ones(size(X_poly_val, 1), 1), X_poly_val]; % Add Ones
% Map X_poly_test and normalize (using mu and sigma)
X_poly_test = polyFeatures(Xtest, p);
X_poly_test = bsxfun(@minus, X_poly_test, mu);
X_poly_test = bsxfun(@rdivide, X_poly_test, sigma);
X_poly_test = [ones(size(X_poly_test, 1), 1), X_poly_test]; % Add Ones
[theta] = trainLinearReg(X_poly, y, 0);
[error_train, grad_train] = linearRegCostFunction(X_poly, y, theta, 0);
[error_val, grad_val] = linearRegCostFunction(X_poly_val, yval, theta, 0);
[error_test, grad_test] = linearRegCostFunction(X_poly_test, ytest, theta, 0);
fprintf('Degree \t\t Train Error \t Validation Error \t Generalization Error \n');
fprintf(' %d \t\t %f \t %f \t\t %f \n', p, error_train, error_val, error_test);
Degree | Train Error | Validation Error | Generalization Error |
3 | 0.716365 | 5.768795 | 5.495818 |
4.选择正则化参数λ validationCurve.m
function [lambda_vec, error_train, error_val] = ...
validationCurve(X, y, Xval, yval)
% Selected values of lambda (you should not change this)
% lambda_vec = [0 0.001 0.003 0.01 0.03 0.1 0.3 1 3 10]';
lambda_vec = zeros(11,1);
lambda_vec(1) = 0.01;
for i = 2:11
lambda_vec(i) = lambda_vec(i-1) * 2;
% You need to return these variables correctly.
error_train = zeros(length(lambda_vec), 1);
error_val = zeros(length(lambda_vec), 1);
% ====================== YOUR CODE HERE ======================
for i = 1:length(lambda_vec)
lambda = lambda_vec(i);
[theta] = trainLinearReg(X, y, lambda);
[error_train(i), grad_train] = linearRegCostFunction(X, y, theta, 0);
[error_val(i), grad_val] = linearRegCostFunction(Xval, yval, theta, 0);
% =========================================================================
5.绘制学习曲线 learningCurve.m
function [error_train, error_val] = ...
learningCurve(X, y, Xval, yval, lambda)
% Number of training examples
m = size(X, 1);
% You need to return these values correctly
error_train = zeros(m, 1);
error_val = zeros(m, 1);
% ====================== YOUR CODE HERE ======================
% 我们要用分别用i条数据训练出的参数,计算训练集代价和验证代价。每次验证代价都要用全部验证集计算。
for i = 1:m
[theta] = trainLinearReg(X(1:i, :), y(1:i), lambda);
% 由于参数是已经训练好的,我们只是用参数来计算代价值,所以我们把lambda设置为0。
[error_train(i), grad_train] = linearRegCostFunction(X(1:i, :), y(1:i), theta, 0);
[error_val(i), grad_val] = linearRegCostFunction(Xval, yval, theta, 0);
% =========================================================================
just right