专注 9月19日学习记录

专注 9月19日学习记录

作者: 玩英语 | 来源:发表于2016-09-19 17:22 被阅读10次

早上班车路上听了7 habits 一个小片段,the principle of growth and change .

First , Dr. Covey shares his idea about this section with the audience , just like the growth of ourselves , we should follow some principles, from infant to toddler , from toddler to teenager , from teenager to adult . No step can be skipped if you are a child now.

So bases on Covey's opinion, for every english learner , we should first find out the basic principle of growth for himself , the rhythms , the speed , the assimilation . All these factors will affect the result of the learning . But for most English teacher in traning school , they don't differentiate the students , they cram their boring knowledge into the students' brain . Sometime they even lubrivate the learning situation , for the losers , they just tell them that they should world hard , the dummy teachers don't think there is something wrong with their teaching method , the learning materials , their pride covers their weakness .

Second , Covey take himself as the skipper example, how he deal with his daughter's birthday charging situation . He valued his daughter's friends parents' thought , and ignore the feeling of his daughter , he borrowed power from his position , which reveals his own weakness.

Third , he shared what we could do to get the evolutionary growth. Step by step , day in day out .


From 8:30 am  till 3:00 PM, I am reading and reading the first Pulitzer award book , gun germ and steel . The author was a scholar and knowledgable at linguistic , geography , biology  and history . I take rest twice , first at 10:30 AM for 15 minutes , second at 3:00 PM for 15 minutes . I finish up 70 pages .

Nursery song

Ensenty weesty spider

Cute and funny

Eentsy wee sty spider 语感启蒙


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      本文标题:专注 9月19日学习记录
