写写今年湖北的作文《喷泉与泉水》英文写的by Max

写写今年湖北的作文《喷泉与泉水》英文写的by Max

作者: 胖达人 | 来源:发表于2015-06-07 21:16 被阅读0次

When I first met this topic in the afternoon, I had no idea about "Fountain and Spring".  It  could express to gather strength then to show itself up.  But after I got some help from my friend, I will talk about "Foundation and Skyscraper".

My friend shared his experience about  career path. Usually we talk about "What do I earn ourself living from", "What am I able to do " and "What do I really want to do". The first question is probably too realistic to be faced, so we started the topic from "What do I really want to do". Yeah we all have great goals, great wishes! It would be like a skyscraper. Worked after two or three years, you could ask yourself what are your good at, but not what do you like. If you known your strength, you could try to do the new things without hesitating. Try to learn from your actions and try not to step into the same river. The second question, "What am I able to do" is like the foudation of a skyscraper. "Rome was not build in a day". you need to use your time, at same time consistently focus and consistently act on your goal. prepare it, do it. The last question alert you focus your precious today. Do your best on current work that could keep your positive atitude.

I am truly happy after known these. Actually I spent a month to learn something about next goal. I did finish my presentation about it, this is my action.

Consistent focus and consistent action for myself.



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      本文标题:写写今年湖北的作文《喷泉与泉水》英文写的by Max
