52010 曾丹
绘本:《I am a bunny》
封面·作者:Ole Risom
·绘者:Richard Scarry
·出版社:Random House
这是我给女儿一一买的很早的一本英文绘本,她非常的喜爱,从第一次阅读这本绘本开始一一就喜欢上了这个故事并反复地阅读。绘本的封面上可爱的bunny正在蘑菇下躲雨,吸引了小朋友的眼球,仿佛正在俏皮地告诉小读者们“I am the bunny”。这本绘本是一本精致的硬纸板书,我们翻看许久至今保持着很好的形态。色彩丰富,描绘了bunny如何享受四季自然活动的过程,颜色表达地非常丰满,形象生动地描绘了大自然,让孩子沉浸其中,帮助了孩子更好地理解了绘本。绘本语言简单优美,主要以主人翁“I”做主语用“我喜欢”介绍了一年四季,但在这里的英语语言犹如诗句,非常优美又做到了简单且富有韵律感,读起来非常舒服,在丰富的图画中孩子也能够理解了bunny想要说的话,并且知道了bunny是谁是什么?通过了解这个bunny四季的活动,我们也了解了大自然一年四季的变化是如此的神奇美丽,让人深深热爱。
I am a bunny.
My name is Nicholas.
I live in a hollow tree.
In the spring, I like to pick flowers.
I chase the butterflies, and the butterflies chase me.
In the summer, I like to like in the sun and watch the birds.
And I like to watch the frogs in the pond.
When it rains, I keep dry under a toadstool.
I blow the dandelion seeds into the air.
In the fall, I like to watch the leaves falling from the trees.
I watch the animals getting ready for the winter.
And, when winter comes, I watch the snow falling from the sky.
Then I curl up in my hollow tree and dream about the spring.
1\I am a bunny.
2\In the spring(summer\autumn\winter)
3\I like to pick flowers. (lie in the sun)
4\I watch the birds. (the frogs)