CSS Selector

CSS Selector

作者: 忻恆 | 来源:发表于2020-08-14 23:09 被阅读0次

    Selector lists

    combine selectors into a selector list, by adding a comma between them.

    When you group selectors in this way, if any selector is invalid the whole rule will be ignored.

    Types of selectors

    • Element Selector : h1{ }
    • Class Selector: .box, span.box, .notebox.warning{ }
    • ID Selector: #box{ }
    • Attribute Selector: h1[title], h1[title="nonsense"]{ }
    • Pseudo-Class Selector(State):a:hover{ }
    • Pseudo-Element Selector:p:first-line{ }(选择元素的特定部分)
    • Direct-Children Selector:article > p { }
    • Descendant Selector: article p{ }
    • Adjacent-Sibling Selector: h1 + h2 { }
    • General-Sibling Selector: h1 ~ h2 { }(选择所有的兄弟节点)

    Type, class, and ID selectors

    The universal selector

    • an asterisk (*)
    • selects everything in the document or inside the parent element if it is being chained together with another element and a descendant combinator
    • use the universal selector to remove the margins on all elements

    Using the universal selector to make your selectors easier to read

    article:first-childarticle :first-child 的不同含义?

    article:first-child select any article element that is the first child of another element
    article :first-child select the first child of any descendant element of article , no matter what element it was.
    所以,我们把article :first-child写为 article *:first-child

    Class selectors

    .notebox.warning 这种写法对应的是 class="notebox warning"

    ID selectors

    Attribute selectors

    Presence and value selectors

    类型 用法
    [attr] Matches elements with an attr attribute
    [attr=value] Matches elements with an attr attribute exactly equals the value
    [attr~=value] Matches elements with an attr attribute contains the value
    [attr|=value] Matches elements with an attr attribute equals the value or begin with the value and a hyphen(-)and maybe something followed

    <table><tr><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td></td><td> </td></tr><tr><td></td><td> </td></tr><tr><td></td><td></td></tr></table>

    Substring matching selectors

    类型 用法
    [attr^=value] Matches elements with an attr attribute whose value begins with value
    [attr$=value] Matches elements with an attr attribute whose value ends with value
    [attr*=value] Matches elements with an attr attribute whose value contains value anywhere within the string

    注意 ^=|= 的区别
    ^ and $ have long been used as anchors in so-called regular expressions to mean begins with and ends with


    If you want to match attribute values case-insensitively you can use the value i before the closing bracket. e.g. li [class^="a" i]{ }

    Pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements

    A pseudo-class is a selector that selects elements that are in a specific state

    • article p:first-child : 找到 article 中的 p 且为第一个child
    • input:invalid : 当 input 的数据为invalid时被选中
    • hover : this only applies if the user moves their pointer over an element, typically a link.
    • focus : only applies if the user focuses the element using keyboard controls.

    It is valid to write pseudo-classes and elements without any element selector preceding them. 我们经常是使用 *:pseudo 来表示


    they act as if you had added a whole new HTML element into the markup, rather than applying a class to existing elements.

    Modern browsers support the early pseudo-elements with single- or double-colon syntax for backwards compatibility

    ::before ::after 用来插入content,用法:
    .box::after { content: "This should show before the other content." }
    A more valid use of these pseudo-elements is to insert an icon,which is a visual indicator that we wouldn't want read out by a screenreader


    Descendant combinator

    represented by a single space character

    Child combinator

    child combinator (>) matches only those elements that are the direct first children of elements.

    Adjacent sibling combinator

    The adjacent sibling selector (+) is used to select element that is right next to given element.(也就是,a + b , 当且仅当 b 是 a 的下一个元素则选择 b)

    General sibling combinator

    use the general sibling combinator (~),e.g., to select all <img> elements that come after <p> elements, p ~ img { }



          本文标题:CSS Selector
