动手学深度学习(十三) NLP机器翻译

动手学深度学习(十三) NLP机器翻译

作者: 致Great | 来源:发表于2020-02-18 20:20 被阅读0次


主要特征:输出是单词序列而不是单个单词。 输出序列的长度可能与源序列的长度不同。

import os
['fraeng6506', 'd2l9528', 'd2l6239']
import sys
import collections
import d2l
import zipfile
from d2l.data.base import Vocab
import time
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch.utils import data
from torch import optim



with open('/home/kesci/input/fraeng6506/fra.txt', 'r') as f:
      raw_text = f.read()
Go. Va !    CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2877272 (CM) & #1158250 (Wittydev)
Hi. Salut ! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #538123 (CM) & #509819 (Aiji)
Hi. Salut.  CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #538123 (CM) & #4320462 (gillux)
Run!    Cours ! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #906328 (papabear) & #906331 (sacredceltic)
Run!    Courez !    CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #906328 (papabear) & #906332 (sacredceltic)
Who?    Qui ?   CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2083030 (CK) & #4366796 (gillux)
Wow!    Ça alors !  CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #52027 (Zifre) & #374631 (zmoo)
Fire!   Au feu !    CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1829639 (Spamster) & #4627939 (sacredceltic)
Help!   À l'aide !  CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #435084 (lukaszpp) & #128430 (sysko)
Jump.   Saute.  CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #631038 (Shishir) & #2416938 (Phoenix)
Stop!   Ça suffit ! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tato
def preprocess_raw(text):
    text = text.replace('\u202f', ' ').replace('\xa0', ' ')
    out = ''
    for i, char in enumerate(text.lower()):
        if char in (',', '!', '.') and i > 0 and text[i-1] != ' ':
            out += ' '
        out += char
    return out

text = preprocess_raw(raw_text)
go .    va !    cc-by 2 .0 (france) attribution: tatoeba .org #2877272 (cm) & #1158250 (wittydev)
hi .    salut ! cc-by 2 .0 (france) attribution: tatoeba .org #538123 (cm) & #509819 (aiji)
hi .    salut . cc-by 2 .0 (france) attribution: tatoeba .org #538123 (cm) & #4320462 (gillux)
run !   cours ! cc-by 2 .0 (france) attribution: tatoeba .org #906328 (papabear) & #906331 (sacredceltic)
run !   courez !    cc-by 2 .0 (france) attribution: tatoeba .org #906328 (papabear) & #906332 (sacredceltic)
who?    qui ?   cc-by 2 .0 (france) attribution: tatoeba .org #2083030 (ck) & #4366796 (gillux)
wow !   ça alors !  cc-by 2 .0 (france) attribution: tatoeba .org #52027 (zifre) & #374631 (zmoo)
fire !  au feu !    cc-by 2 .0 (france) attribution: tatoeba .org #1829639 (spamster) & #4627939 (sacredceltic)
help !  à l'aide !  cc-by 2 .0 (france) attribution: tatoeba .org #435084 (lukaszpp) & #128430 (sysko)
jump .  saute . cc-by 2 .0 (france) attribution: tatoeba .org #631038 (shishir) & #2416938 (phoenix)
stop !  ça suffit ! cc-b

字符在计算机里是以编码的形式存在,我们通常所用的空格是 \x20 ,是在标准ASCII可见字符 0x20~0x7e 范围内。
而 \xa0 属于 latin1 (ISO/IEC_8859-1)中的扩展字符集字符,代表不间断空白符nbsp(non-breaking space),超出gbk编码范围,是需要去除的特殊字符。再数据预处理的过程中,我们首先需要对数据进行清洗。



num_examples = 50000
source, target = [], []
for i, line in enumerate(text.split('\n')):
    if i > num_examples:
    parts = line.split('\t')
    if len(parts) >= 2:
        source.append(parts[0].split(' '))
        target.append(parts[1].split(' '))
source[0:3], target[0:3]
([['go', '.'], ['hi', '.'], ['hi', '.']],
 [['va', '!'], ['salut', '!'], ['salut', '.']])
d2l.plt.hist([[len(l) for l in source], [len(l) for l in target]],label=['source', 'target'])
d2l.plt.legend(loc='upper right');

<img src="https://cdn.kesci.com/rt_upload/7589E7D345B3463A8F0F4574ED6EDA9A/q5jefa8ffq.svg">



def build_vocab(tokens):
    tokens = [token for line in tokens for token in line]
    return d2l.data.base.Vocab(tokens, min_freq=3, use_special_tokens=True)

src_vocab = build_vocab(source)
Image Name


def pad(line, max_len, padding_token):
    if len(line) > max_len:
        return line[:max_len]
    return line + [padding_token] * (max_len - len(line))
pad(src_vocab[source[0]], 10, src_vocab.pad)
[38, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
def build_array(lines, vocab, max_len, is_source):
    lines = [vocab[line] for line in lines]
    if not is_source:
        lines = [[vocab.bos] + line + [vocab.eos] for line in lines]
    array = torch.tensor([pad(line, max_len, vocab.pad) for line in lines])
    valid_len = (array != vocab.pad).sum(1) #第一个维度
    return array, valid_len
Image Name
def load_data_nmt(batch_size, max_len): # This function is saved in d2l.
    src_vocab, tgt_vocab = build_vocab(source), build_vocab(target)
    src_array, src_valid_len = build_array(source, src_vocab, max_len, True)
    tgt_array, tgt_valid_len = build_array(target, tgt_vocab, max_len, False)
    train_data = data.TensorDataset(src_array, src_valid_len, tgt_array, tgt_valid_len)
    train_iter = data.DataLoader(train_data, batch_size, shuffle=True)
    return src_vocab, tgt_vocab, train_iter
src_vocab, tgt_vocab, train_iter = load_data_nmt(batch_size=2, max_len=8)
for X, X_valid_len, Y, Y_valid_len, in train_iter:
    print('X =', X.type(torch.int32), '\nValid lengths for X =', X_valid_len,
        '\nY =', Y.type(torch.int32), '\nValid lengths for Y =', Y_valid_len)
X = tensor([[   5,   24,    3,    4,    0,    0,    0,    0],
        [  12, 1388,    7,    3,    4,    0,    0,    0]], dtype=torch.int32) 
Valid lengths for X = tensor([4, 5]) 
Y = tensor([[   1,   23,   46,    3,    3,    4,    2,    0],
        [   1,   15,  137,   27, 4736,    4,    2,    0]], dtype=torch.int32) 
Valid lengths for Y = tensor([7, 7])



Image Name
class Encoder(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super(Encoder, self).__init__(**kwargs)

    def forward(self, X, *args):
        raise NotImplementedError
class Decoder(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super(Decoder, self).__init__(**kwargs)

    def init_state(self, enc_outputs, *args):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def forward(self, X, state):
        raise NotImplementedError
class EncoderDecoder(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, encoder, decoder, **kwargs):
        super(EncoderDecoder, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.encoder = encoder
        self.decoder = decoder

    def forward(self, enc_X, dec_X, *args):
        enc_outputs = self.encoder(enc_X, *args)
        dec_state = self.decoder.init_state(enc_outputs, *args)
        return self.decoder(dec_X, dec_state)


Sequence to Sequence模型



Image Name
预测 Image Name


Image Name


class Seq2SeqEncoder(d2l.Encoder):
    def __init__(self, vocab_size, embed_size, num_hiddens, num_layers,
                 dropout=0, **kwargs):
        super(Seq2SeqEncoder, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.embedding = nn.Embedding(vocab_size, embed_size)
        self.rnn = nn.LSTM(embed_size,num_hiddens, num_layers, dropout=dropout)
    def begin_state(self, batch_size, device):
        return [torch.zeros(size=(self.num_layers, batch_size, self.num_hiddens),  device=device),
                torch.zeros(size=(self.num_layers, batch_size, self.num_hiddens),  device=device)]
    def forward(self, X, *args):
        X = self.embedding(X) # X shape: (batch_size, seq_len, embed_size)
        X = X.transpose(0, 1)  # RNN needs first axes to be time
        # state = self.begin_state(X.shape[1], device=X.device)
        out, state = self.rnn(X)
        # The shape of out is (seq_len, batch_size, num_hiddens).
        # state contains the hidden state and the memory cell
        # of the last time step, the shape is (num_layers, batch_size, num_hiddens)
        return out, state
encoder = Seq2SeqEncoder(vocab_size=10, embed_size=8,num_hiddens=16, num_layers=2)
X = torch.zeros((4, 7),dtype=torch.long)
output, state = encoder(X)
output.shape, len(state), state[0].shape, state[1].shape
(torch.Size([7, 4, 16]), 2, torch.Size([2, 4, 16]), torch.Size([2, 4, 16]))


class Seq2SeqDecoder(d2l.Decoder):
    def __init__(self, vocab_size, embed_size, num_hiddens, num_layers,
                 dropout=0, **kwargs):
        super(Seq2SeqDecoder, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.embedding = nn.Embedding(vocab_size, embed_size)
        self.rnn = nn.LSTM(embed_size,num_hiddens, num_layers, dropout=dropout)
        self.dense = nn.Linear(num_hiddens,vocab_size)

    def init_state(self, enc_outputs, *args):
        return enc_outputs[1]

    def forward(self, X, state):
        X = self.embedding(X).transpose(0, 1)
        out, state = self.rnn(X, state)
        # Make the batch to be the first dimension to simplify loss computation.
        out = self.dense(out).transpose(0, 1)
        return out, state
decoder = Seq2SeqDecoder(vocab_size=10, embed_size=8,num_hiddens=16, num_layers=2)
state = decoder.init_state(encoder(X))
out, state = decoder(X, state)
out.shape, len(state), state[0].shape, state[1].shape
(torch.Size([4, 7, 10]), 2, torch.Size([2, 4, 16]), torch.Size([2, 4, 16]))


def SequenceMask(X, X_len,value=0):
    maxlen = X.size(1)
    mask = torch.arange(maxlen)[None, :].to(X_len.device) < X_len[:, None]   
    return X
X = torch.tensor([[1,2,3], [4,5,6]])
tensor([[1, 0, 0],
        [4, 5, 0]])
X = torch.ones((2,3, 4))
SequenceMask(X, torch.tensor([1,2]),value=-1)
tensor([[[ 1.,  1.,  1.,  1.],
         [-1., -1., -1., -1.],
         [-1., -1., -1., -1.]],

        [[ 1.,  1.,  1.,  1.],
         [ 1.,  1.,  1.,  1.],
         [-1., -1., -1., -1.]]])
class MaskedSoftmaxCELoss(nn.CrossEntropyLoss):
    # pred shape: (batch_size, seq_len, vocab_size)
    # label shape: (batch_size, seq_len)
    # valid_length shape: (batch_size, )
    def forward(self, pred, label, valid_length):
        # the sample weights shape should be (batch_size, seq_len)
        weights = torch.ones_like(label)
        weights = SequenceMask(weights, valid_length).float()
        output=super(MaskedSoftmaxCELoss, self).forward(pred.transpose(1,2), label)
        return (output*weights).mean(dim=1)
loss = MaskedSoftmaxCELoss()
loss(torch.ones((3, 4, 10)), torch.ones((3,4),dtype=torch.long), torch.tensor([4,3,0]))
tensor([2.3026, 1.7269, 0.0000])


def train_ch7(model, data_iter, lr, num_epochs, device):  # Saved in d2l
    optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=lr)
    loss = MaskedSoftmaxCELoss()
    tic = time.time()
    for epoch in range(1, num_epochs+1):
        l_sum, num_tokens_sum = 0.0, 0.0
        for batch in data_iter:
            X, X_vlen, Y, Y_vlen = [x.to(device) for x in batch]
            Y_input, Y_label, Y_vlen = Y[:,:-1], Y[:,1:], Y_vlen-1
            Y_hat, _ = model(X, Y_input, X_vlen, Y_vlen)
            l = loss(Y_hat, Y_label, Y_vlen).sum()

            with torch.no_grad():
                d2l.grad_clipping_nn(model, 5, device)
            num_tokens = Y_vlen.sum().item()
            l_sum += l.sum().item()
            num_tokens_sum += num_tokens
        if epoch % 50 == 0:
            print("epoch {0:4d},loss {1:.3f}, time {2:.1f} sec".format( 
                  epoch, (l_sum/num_tokens_sum), time.time()-tic))
            tic = time.time()
embed_size, num_hiddens, num_layers, dropout = 32, 32, 2, 0.0
batch_size, num_examples, max_len = 64, 1e3, 10
lr, num_epochs, ctx = 0.005, 300, d2l.try_gpu()
src_vocab, tgt_vocab, train_iter = d2l.load_data_nmt(
    batch_size, max_len,num_examples)
encoder = Seq2SeqEncoder(
    len(src_vocab), embed_size, num_hiddens, num_layers, dropout)
decoder = Seq2SeqDecoder(
    len(tgt_vocab), embed_size, num_hiddens, num_layers, dropout)
model = d2l.EncoderDecoder(encoder, decoder)
train_ch7(model, train_iter, lr, num_epochs, ctx)
epoch   50,loss 0.093, time 38.2 sec
epoch  100,loss 0.046, time 37.9 sec
epoch  150,loss 0.032, time 36.8 sec
epoch  200,loss 0.027, time 37.5 sec
epoch  250,loss 0.026, time 37.8 sec
epoch  300,loss 0.025, time 37.3 sec


def translate_ch7(model, src_sentence, src_vocab, tgt_vocab, max_len, device):
    src_tokens = src_vocab[src_sentence.lower().split(' ')]
    src_len = len(src_tokens)
    if src_len < max_len:
        src_tokens += [src_vocab.pad] * (max_len - src_len)
    enc_X = torch.tensor(src_tokens, device=device)
    enc_valid_length = torch.tensor([src_len], device=device)
    # use expand_dim to add the batch_size dimension.
    enc_outputs = model.encoder(enc_X.unsqueeze(dim=0), enc_valid_length)
    dec_state = model.decoder.init_state(enc_outputs, enc_valid_length)
    dec_X = torch.tensor([tgt_vocab.bos], device=device).unsqueeze(dim=0)
    predict_tokens = []
    for _ in range(max_len):
        Y, dec_state = model.decoder(dec_X, dec_state)
        # The token with highest score is used as the next time step input.
        dec_X = Y.argmax(dim=2)
        py = dec_X.squeeze(dim=0).int().item()
        if py == tgt_vocab.eos:
    return ' '.join(tgt_vocab.to_tokens(predict_tokens))
for sentence in ['Go .', 'Wow !', "I'm OK .", 'I won !']:
    print(sentence + ' => ' + translate_ch7(
        model, sentence, src_vocab, tgt_vocab, max_len, ctx))
Go . => va !
Wow ! => <unk> !
I'm OK . => ça va .
I won ! => j'ai gagné !

Beam Search

简单greedy search:

Image Name


Image Name


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      本文标题:动手学深度学习(十三) NLP机器翻译
