L5-U3-P1 attitudes 态度

L5-U3-P1 attitudes 态度

作者: Darren321 | 来源:发表于2019-10-16 19:50 被阅读0次

    Relaxed, to be calm and at peace, not anxious or tense.放松的,平静,平和 不焦虑或紧张

    She was trying to relax, but then she got a call from her boss.她本想去放松,但后来她接到老板的电话

    He hasn’t relaxed for a long time, so he’s exhausted and difficult to be around.他已经很长时间没有放松,所以他很累,很难相处

    It used to be that people could relax at home, but now they are still working, even in bed.过去人们能在家里放松,但现在他们仍然在工作 甚至在床上

    Arrogant, to have an exaggeration of sense of one’s importance or abilities, the opposite of modest.傲慢的,对自己的重要性和能力有夸大感,与谦虚相反

    I wasn’t impressed by her arrogant attitude.我对他的傲慢的态度不以为然

    Sometimes the rich and powerful can be very arrogant and greedy.有时有钱有势的人会很傲慢和贪婪

    Everyone was happy to see him make a fool of himself because he’s usually so arrogant.大家很高兴看到他出丑因为他通常很傲慢

    Prejudiced, to have negative feeling towards something without good reason or experience 偏见,对某事有消极的感觉,没有充分的理由和经验

    she has a prejudice against people who come from the countryside.她对来自农村的人有偏见

    As a company we don't allow Prejudice of any kind including race or religious differences.作为一个公司,我不允许任何种类的偏见,包括种族和宗教的差异

    He dislikes her, so his opinions about the quality of her work are prejudiced against her.他不喜欢她,因此他对她工作质量的意见是有偏见的

    We can’t trust their research because their data is obviously prejudiced in their favor.我们不相信他们的研究,因为他们的数据明显地按他们的喜好

    Neutral, to be without prejudiced and not take sides.中立的,没有偏见 不偏袒任何一方

    We expect the judge of trial to be neutral and allow both sides to present the evidence to the jury 我期盼审判的法官保持中立,允许双方向陪审团呈现证据

    The referees of the match need to be neutral, so that the game is fair.比赛的裁判需要保持中立,这样比赛才公平

    The talks between the two countries are being held in a neutral location.两个国家的交谈应该在一个中立的地方举行

    I don’t want to get involved in the argument and would prefer to remain neutral.我你想牵涉到争论中且比较喜欢保持中立

    Proper or appropriate, the way it supposes to be.适合的适当的,它应该是这样的

    That kind of language isn’t appropriate in this situation, because it doesn’t show respect.那种语言在这种情况下不适合,因为不尊重

    When he came to the interview, he wasn’t dressed properly, so he made a bad impression.他来面试的时候 ,他穿的不得体,因此他留下不好的印象

    (He didn’t realize that that kind of language wasn’t appropriate and made him look foolish.)

    (I expect you to act appropriately and whatever you do, don’t drink too much!)



        本文标题:L5-U3-P1 attitudes 态度
