

作者: 我也会害怕 | 来源:发表于2018-09-28 10:44 被阅读0次

Is corporal punishment on children rational?

It has been said that“ Spare the Rod, Spoil the Child”.It signifies what we are told continually by our traditional education. It means that the corporal punishment on children is a correct mode to teach them. They acquired the truth of life, after their parents had utilized this way to amend their manners.

But in most of developed countries such as the USA、 the UK, even in some counties which are still in the stage of underdeveloped countries, the countrymen who live in these states have some different methods to renovate their children instead of punishing them without damage. They not only esteem their kids` interest and right,but also seek knowledge about appropriate teaching theories. Therefore, the methods about education towards children are accurate because of the support by science.

The corporal punishment on children is decidedly incorrect, the foremost factor of it is that the era of freedom has arrived for quite a few years. But abandoning this backward mode of teaching needs time, we are certainly on the way to promote fitting measure to teach.


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