雅思写作精品段 课堂分享2

雅思写作精品段 课堂分享2

作者: Domino123 | 来源:发表于2016-09-21 20:08 被阅读0次


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    雅思写作精品段 课堂分享2


    Some people think zoos are cruel and all the zoos should be closed. However, other people think zoos are useful to protect the rare animals. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


    Original Sample原创范文

    Opening 大背景,话题导入,任务陈述

    The safari park or zoo has been adopted and carried out on a large scale with both positive and negative outcomes. There are conflicting views pertaining to this issue amongst which I will expound both pros and cons before expressing my independent judgement in the following.

    Body 1 一方观点

    On the one hand, keeping animals in zoos is not beneficial for animals’ physical and mental health. Locked in cages, they are derived  of the freedom and they are restricted in terms of the range of footprints, to which extent such animals as tigers and lions, would lose their generic skills like hunting. After all, any animal species do not remain isolated but become incorporated into a multi-faceted, but organized biosphere,making it  and the component members,more vulnerable to potential dangers,but also accessible to self-evolution. Moreover,they would also suffer from mental depressions, turning more restless, anxious and irritable easily. As a consequence, they are not able to get back to their natural habitat again. However, without zoos, these problems are unlikely to emerge. Furthermore, due to the great gap in natural selection that helps polish their survival skills,  a surprising proportion of rare species have to face the deterioration in survival skills. To put it another, the failure to pass the fittest genes to the next generation is the following cost.

    Body 2 另一方观点

    On the other hand, proponents for the opposed view believe that zoos can supply these animals a secure and sung circumstance that is attributed to the alienation from human disturbance as well as natural predators. Also, zoological gardens are also featured with educational significance for they breed each increment of knowledge about what animals look like, how they behave in the wild state and such like.

    Body3 总结两方,给出自己观点

    From my perspective, zoos can only keep a limited number of animals and cumber their natural instincts. In this corollary, one negative encouragement is the incomplete and fragmental cognition about those species, even at the expense of downtrodden animals.

    Ending 总结升华或补充建议

    In conclusion, zoos are not good enough to keep animals, meanwhile people should consider available alternatives in place like natural reserves.



          本文标题:雅思写作精品段 课堂分享2
