7.18 Habit 4:Think Win-Win

7.18 Habit 4:Think Win-Win

作者: 你见过我的姜饼人吗 | 来源:发表于2017-07-18 19:55 被阅读0次

    PART 1 Words and Expressions


    【释义】the level of confidence and positive feelings that people have, especially people who work together, who belong to the same team etc


    注意不要和moral 混淆

    moral n.道德准则 adj.道德上的

    【用法】low/high morale士气低迷/高涨;

    maintain/keep up/restore morale


    【造句】Although facing difficulties ,we should restore morale.


    【释义】someone’s education, achievements, experience etc that prove they have the ability to do something  n.资格;资历  通常用复数credentials

    【用法】a driver's license,a doctor's badge ,a diploma 都是credentials

    【造句】She showed her credentials as a financial expert to the boss.


    【释义】①if someone represses upsetting feelings, memories etc, they do not allow themselves to express or think about them v.压抑,克制,抑制〔痛苦的情感、回忆等〕

    ②to control a group of people by force  v. 镇压,压制

    【用法】repress 和press的区别在于repress的使用对象是an idea,concept or something intangible.如果说挤压橄榄榨橄榄油就不能用repress了。

    【造句】I repressed a smile on the conference.


    【释义】 someone or something that represents or is very typical of an idea or quality  化身[体现]

    【用法】the embodiment of sth

    【造句】Superman is the embodiment of justice.

    5.from/at the outset

    【释义】at or from the beginning of an event or process 在开头时/从一开始

    【造句】I kown the important of  English from the outset.


    【释义】doing something that is intended to make someone stop arguing with you  adj.和解的,调停的

    conciliatory approach/tone/gesture


    【造句】In order to get more confidence,I adopt a more conciliatory approach.


    【释义】①foam as if boiling v.沸腾②to feel an emotion, especially anger, so strongly that you are almost shaking  v.气得发抖,怒火中烧 (将水煮沸引申为人的血液沸腾起来就是生气愤怒的意思)

    ③if a place is seething with people, insects etc, there are a lot of them all moving quickly in different directions 〔某地方〕充满(某物)

    【用法】be seething with sth.

    【造句】The room is seething with people seething because of failure.

    PART 2 Summary

      This chapter introduces the Habit 4 as Think win-win.Win-win is a frame of mind and heart that constantly seeks mutual benefit in all human interactions.

      The author explains the advantages of win-win by comparing six paradigms of human interaction:win-win,win-lose ,lose-win,lose-lose ,win ,win-win or no deal.Then, the author tells us which one is the best depends on situation.If we had not come up with a synergistic solution ,we should have gone for win-win or no deal.

      Ultimately,the author discusses five dimension of win-win and  how they relate to each other.The first dimension is character which is the foundation of win-win .Integrity ,maturity,abundance mentality are the three character traits essential to the win-win paradigm.

    PART 3 Thoughts






          本文标题:7.18 Habit 4:Think Win-Win
