

作者: 肉伊徐 | 来源:发表于2018-03-26 21:30 被阅读0次



Social media can rob you of your humanity, if you let it. I usually take to social media once a day and I use other online tools to disseminate messages across multiple platforms. I use it purposefully — not just for random musings that cross my mind whimsically, but ideas that are connected to my professional interests and goals, and my own unique, personal identity.

词汇:1. musing 思绪(学到个充满文化的新词)。例句:His musings were interrupted by Montagu who came and sat down next to him. 他的思绪被打断。2. cross my mind whimsically 偶然出现在我脑海里。


Technology has enabled global connections, global thinking and global business like never before. This can make it increasingly difficult for employees to switch off from work. To be always on is not sustainable for the individual and, ultimately, the business. Performance will suffer.

词汇:1. 前所未有的 like never before; 2. 从工作中抽身 switch off from work; 3. 绩效将受到影响 performance will suffer.


There needs to be balance and the opportunity to recharge. Even Michelangelo needed to know when to put the chisel down. The best thing any leader can do is to lead by example, and create a climate that allows others to do the same. I turn off from work to spend quality time with my family. I am also passionate about martial arts, and put time aside for it because it gives me physical energy and mental resilience.

词汇:1. 有机会休整 the opportunity to recharge; 2. 凿子 chisel; 3. 以身作则 lead by example; 4. 放下工作 turn off from work; 5. 精神韧性 mental resilience.

让科技为你所用,而不是反过来。Make tech work for you, not the other way round.


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