How to Help Your Child with Sight Words in Kindergarten
If your child’s Kindergarten class is anything like my son’s, you have received a list of 10 to 12sight wordsalready in Term 1. After the kids have learned these ones, there’s another list to follow that one, and so on. I’ve had several parents ask me about these, so I’ve put together some information to help make learning sight words easy and fun.
What are sight words and why are they important? 什么是高频词,为什么很重要
There are many terms you may hear to describe these lists of words. Your school may call them:sight words, high frequency words, magic words, golden words…and the list goes on. Basically, these are words that occur most frequently in texts that children will read. If we want our children to be fluent readers, they must learn to recognise these words quickly, by sight (without having to sound them out).
What makes learning sight words difficult? 什么导致了学习高频词的难度?
Many of these words cannot be sounded out letter-by-letter because they have complex spellings. Some examples are:the, said, of, saw, one,all, you, was, her. Children may be relying entirely on their brain to ‘take a picture’ of what this word looks like to remember it. This is not a good strategy to rely on for several words, especially if your child is not a visual learner.
Many of these words are meaningless on their own because they are simply used in the grammatical construction of sentences. Some examples are:the, said, of, saw, with, went, will, some, was.It’s often easier for children to recall words that have meaning, such as mum, love, cat.
许多词独立起来看没有什么意思,只是用来语法需要来构建句子 如 the said of等,有些词对孩子来说很容易回忆起他的意思如mum love cat
Where to begin with sight words? 从哪里开始学高频词?
If we bombard our children with lists of words they do not know, they will likely dread the task. They may experience feelings of failure, especially if they have limited letter-sound knowledge. This is the last thing we want for our children in their first year of school! Here is how to avoid that:
Write each word on an individual card/paper. (Do not just run down the list of words with your child.) 1、把每个词单独写在卡片上
Assess. Show your child one word at a time to see if any of them are already known. Create two piles: “known” and “unknown”. Congratulate your child on knowing how to read some words! (If it’s the beginning of Kindergarten, there’s a good chance there will be zero known words. Tell your child you’re going to help them learn these words.) 2、 每次给孩子展示 一个词,看他是否知道了,对知道和不知道的词分成两个区,当孩子知道如何读某些词时进行表扬
Choose 2 or 3new(unknown) words for your child to learn. Start with the easiest ones, such as “I”, “a”, “to”. Tell your child what each word says and have them repeat it. Do this a few times.3、 选择2-3个新词,从最简单的词如I to开始,告诉孩子每个单词的意思让他们跟着练习几次
Can you find…?Put these 2 or 3 “new” words in a column and ask your child, “Can you find the wordI?Show me the word to.” etc.Note:This task is easierthan asking your child to read/recall the word because you aretelling them the word; they just have to find it. This task makes them feel more successful as they learn new words. 4、把新词放在一列里,通过“你能找出X词吗?”来发问,让孩子找出来,这个任务对孩子来说很简单,因为他们只需要跟着你说的回忆起这个词,更能让他们感觉到学习到新词的成功
Mixthe “new” and “known” words together. Lay them out and ask your child to read and pick up all the ones they recognise. For any that are leftover, repeat Step 4 (Can you find?). 把新词和已经知道的词卡混合在一起,让孩子读并且找出来他认识的,对于剩下的,重复第4步来练习
Add more words.After your child has mastered these words and can recall them on their own, continue with this Step 3, adding one or two new/unknown words at a time. Choose words you think your child will be successful with. For example, choose words that start with a letter sound your child already knows. If they know /s/, they can learn see. If they don’t know /w/, don’t choose the W words,was, with, we. 5、当孩子掌握了这些词(能独立回忆起) 重复第3步,每次增加1-2个新词(选择那些你认为孩子能成功认识的词,如他们已经知道S开头的某些词,选择See这样的新词)
Some Things to Remember 注意事项
Learning new words should be fun, not a chore. Keep it light and if your child is showing signs of frustration, stop and try another time. 学习新词过程应该是有趣的,而不是看起来繁琐无味,如果孩子感觉沮丧,应该停下来换个时间再试
We don’t want children to rely entirely on their ‘photo memory’ for every one of these words. We want to give them other strategies to help them learn these words in the first place, such as using the first letter sound (when possible). 我们不想孩子完全让看照片一样死记每个词,要给他们其他策略来帮助记忆,如上面提到的通过熟悉的首字母发音词来识别新词
The best place to practise these words is in context–while reading their little take-home readers.练习这些词最好的地方就是上下方环境(比如当孩子做家庭阅读时)
Learning words takes time and known words are not always known! Sometimes kids forget words they know, because these words are only partially known. On the continuum of learning, we have different labels for how ‘known’ something is. Some examples are: not known, sometimes known, known in some contexts, known with some effort to solve, automatically known (without having to think about it). 学习新词需要时间(要慢慢来),知道的词有的时候 并不总是代表就知道了,有些孩子会忘记他们学过的词,因为他们只是知道了一部分,在持续学习过程中,我们可以通过一些标签如:不知道、有时知道、在上下文上能看懂,努力回忆能看懂,不用想就能懂 对词语进行标记