长末端重复序列(long terminal repeated,LTR):反转录病毒的基因组的两端各有一个长末端重复序列(5'—LTR和3'—LTR),不编码蛋白质,但含有启动子,增强子等调控元件,病毒基因组内的LTR可转移到细胞原癌基因邻近处,使这些原癌基因在LTR强启动子和增强子的作用下被激活,将正常细胞转化为癌细胞。

图中TSD表示target site duplications,红色三角表示LTR motif。A图是一个完整的LTR结构,其中a,b,c是LTR_retriever
Annotation of LTR retrotransposons relies primarily on de novo approaches due to their highly diverse terminal repeats.
Given DNA sequences, it predicts locations and structure of full-length LTR retrotransposons accurately by considering common structural features.
ab initio LTR retrotransposon finding.
analysis of many sequences of LTR elements in nearly 20 years revealed some structural features (signals) common in these elements, including Long Terminal Repeats (LTRs), Target Site Repeats (TSRs), Primer Binding Sites (PBSs), Polypurine Tract (PPT) and TG ... CA box, as well as sites of Reverse Transcriptase (RT), Integrase (IN) and RNaseH (RH). These results have made ab initio computer discovery of LTR elements possible.
~/opt/biosoft/LTR_Finder/source/ltr_finder \
-D 20000 -d 1000 \
-L 700 -l 100 \
-p 20 -C -M 0.9 Athaliana.fa >Athaliana.finder.scn
表示5'和3'LTR之间的最小距离; -
表示5'和3'LTR序列的最小长度; -
表示完全匹配配对的最小长度; -
表示检测中心粒(centriole)删除高度重复区域; -
>~/opt/biosoft/LTR_retriever/LTR_retriever -threads 4 -genome Athaliana.fa -infinder Athaliana.finder.scn
We hypothesized that complete sequences of highly complex genomes may contain a large number of com�plicated nested structures that exponentially increase the search space. To break down these complicated sequence structures, we **split chromosomal sequences into relatively short segments (1 Mb) **and executes LTR_FINDER in parallel. We expect the time complexity of LTR_FINDER_parallel is O(n). For highly complicated regions (i.e., centromeres), one segment could take a rather long time (i.e., hours). To avoid extended operation time in such regions, we used a timeout scheme (300 s) to control for the longest time a child process can run. If timeout, the 1 Mb segment is further split into 50 Kb segments to salvage LTR candidates. After processing all segments, the regional coordinates of LTR candidates are converted back to the genome-level coordinates for the convenience of downstream analyses.
Usage: perl LTR_FINDER_parallel -seq [file] -size [int] -threads [int]
-seq [file] Specify the sequence file.
-size [int] Specify the size you want to split the genome sequence.
Please make it large enough to avoid spliting too many LTR elements. Default 5000000 (bp).
-time [int] Specify the maximum time to run a subregion (a thread).
This helps to skip simple repeat regions that take a substantial of time to run. Default: 1500 (seconds).
Suggestion: 300 for -size 1000000. Increase -time when -size increased.
-try1 [0|1] If a region requires more time than the specified -time (timeout), decide:
0, discard the entire region.
1, further split to 50 Kb regions to salvage LTR candidates (default);
-harvest_out Output LTRharvest format if specified. Default: output LTR_FINDER table format.
-next Only summarize the results for previous jobs without rerunning LTR_FINDER (for -v).
-verbose|-v Retain LTR_FINDER outputs for each sequence piece.
-finder [file] The path to the program LTR_FINDER (default v1.0.7, included in this package).
-threads|-t [int] Indicate how many CPU/threads you want to run LTR_FINDER.
-check_dependencies Check if dependencies are fullfiled and quit
-help|-h Display this help information.
1. Input
Genome file in multi-FASTA format.
2. Output
GFF3, LTRharvest (STDOUT)or LTR_FINDER (-w 2) formats of predicted LTR candidates.
3. Parameter setting for LTR_FINDER
Currently there is no parameter settings for LTR_FINDER in this parallel version. I have chose the "best" parameters for you,Please refer to LTR_FINEDR for details of these parameters.
-w 2 -C -D 15000 -d 1000 -L 7000 -l 100 -p 20 -M 0.85
If you want to use other parameters in LTR_FINDER_parallel, please edit the file LTR_FINDER_parallel
line 9 to change the preset parameters.
Based on our previous study [1], we applied the optimized parameter for LTR_FINDER (−w 2 -C -D 15000 -d 1000 -L 7000 -l 100 -p 20 -M 0.85), which identifies long terminal repeats ranging from 100 to 7000 bp with identity ≥85% and interval regions from 1 to 15 Kb. The output of LTR_FINDER_parallel is convertible to the popular LTRharvestformat, which is compatible to the high-accuracy post-processing filter LTR_retriever.
4. Performance benchmark
Genome | Arabidopsis | Rice | Maize | Wheat |
Version | TAIR10 | MSU7 | AGPv4 | CS1.0 |
Size | 119.7 Mb | 374.5 Mb | 2134.4 Mb | 14547.3 Mb |
Original memory (1 CPU*) | 0.37 Gbyte | 0.55 Gbyte | 5.00 Gbyte | 11.88 Gbyte |
Parallel memory (36 CPUs*) | 0.10 Gbyte | 0.12 Gbyte | 0.82 Gbyte | 17.67 Gbyte |
Original time (1 CPU) | 0.58 h | 2.1 h | 448.5 h | 10169.3 h |
Parallel time (36 CPUs) | 6.4 min | 2.6 min | 10.3 min | 71.8 min |
Speed up | 5.4 x | 48.5 x | 2,613 x | 8,498 x |
Number of LTR candidates (1 CPU) | 226 | 2,851 | 60,165 | 231,043 |
Number of LTR candidates (36 CPUs) | 226 | 2,834 | 59,658 | 237,352 |
% difference of candidate # | 0.00% | 0.60% | 0.84% | -2.73% |
*Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2660 v4 @ 2.00GHz
5. FAQs and best practices
(1)How to generate output files for
A: You can use the -harvest_out
parameter to generate LTRharvest
-format output, then feed to LTR_retriever
using -inharvest
. If you have more than one LTRharvest
output, simply cat
them together.
(2)How to prepare the genome file?
A: It's highly recommended to use short and simple sequence names. For example, use letters, numbers, and _ to generate unique names shorter than 15 bits. This will make your downstream analyses much more easier. If you have delicate sequence names and encounter errors, you may want to simplify them and try again.
(3)Do I really need to modify the -size
, -time
, and -try1
A: Not really. Except when you are 100% sure what you are doing, these parameters are optimized for the best performance in general.
6. Issues
Currently I am using a non-overlapping way to cut the original sequence. Some LTR elements could be broken due to this. So far the side-effect is minimal (< 1% loss) comparing to the performance boost (up to 8,500X faster). I don't have a plan to update it to a sliding window scheme. Welcome to improve it and request for merge.
Ou S, Jiang N. LTR_FINDER_parallel: parallelization of LTR_FINDER enabling rapid identification of long terminal repeat retrotransposons. Mob DNA 2019;10(1):48.