

作者: 2585602f7bdb | 来源:发表于2017-05-29 11:07 被阅读287次



Stphen Curry - Rise of the Star

原著作者John Emerson















‘I’ve never been afraid of big moments. I get butterflies. I get nervous and anxious, but I think those are all good signs that I’m ready for the moment’ - Stephen Curry

12 MINUTES. 12 MORE MINUTES was all it took for Stephen Curry and his Warriors to finally bring home the coveted Larry O’Brien Trophy, and be forever immortalized as champions. It was the 4th Quarter in Game 6 of the 2015 NBA Finals, with the Golden State Warriors playing in the Cleveland Cavaliers’ home ground. Going into the 4th quarter, they held the lead and were just 1 more quarter away from winning an NBA championship. However, just 3 games ago, the whole world was counting the Warriors out.

Being initially down 2-1 in the series against LeBron James’ Cleveland Cavaliers, many fans started to entertain the thought that the Cavs (even without their 2 superstars in Kyrie Irving and Kevin Love) would steal the championship away from the Warriors. After all, many people thought that they didn’t even deserve to be in the NBA finals in the first place.

All the skeptics begin to surface once more, as did the talk of the Golden State Warriors being ‘lucky’ to have reached this far into the NBA Playoffs in the first place. They were ‘lucky’ that the Oklahoma City Thunder lost its MVP in Kevin Durant due to injury. They were ‘lucky’ that they weren’t contending with the previous champions, the San Antonio Spurs. They were ‘lucky’ to be even contending for an NBA Title at all.

These skeptics and haters were all too familiar to Curry. Throughout his entire basketball journey (as you will learn throughout this book), he has faced countless criticisms and doubts, only to overcome them all and emerge triumphant despite adversity. He was determined to do it again now in the biggest stage of basketball.

Stephen Curry was intent in showing the world that he was not just ‘lucky’-he wanted to show that he deserved to be playing in the Finals. He deserved to be the MVP. He deserved to win a championship. He deserved to be recognized as one of the greatest players to ever play this game.

From humble beginnings, as the 7th pick in the 2009 NBA Draft that went relatively unnoticed, from having the one of worst records in the NBA in his first year as a Warrior, from being cast aside by critics for being always riddled with injury, he was now on the verge of ending all speculation once and for all as to whether his name deserved to be mentioned amongst the NBA greats.

All it took was just 12 more minutes, just l more quarter of basketball - with the Cleveland Cavalier fans booing him, the critics doubting him and the whole world watching him - he would show them just what he’s capable of to succeed under pressure, a skill he had picked up and honed over all the years of his basketball life. After 12 minutes, the world would come to know of the legend of Stephen Curry - being one of the greatest shooters to ever play game of basketball. After 12 more minutes, Stephen Curry would be deemed a bonafide superstar. After 12 more minutes, Stephen Curry wouldn’t be known as the guy who got ‘lucky’ to be MVP - he would go from being just another all-star, to being an NBA Champion and solidifying his status as an absolute force to be reckoned with in the league.

This story is about the rise of Stephen Curry, the Long-Shot, the MVP, and the Champion.


“我从不惧怕大场面,我也会紧张焦虑,但这些都表明我准备好了”— 史蒂芬·库里


勇士在对阵勒布朗·詹姆斯领导的克里夫兰骑士的系列赛中,先是2比 1落后,许多球迷开始认为骑士队(尽管两大巨星凯里·欧文和凯文·乐福都缺席)会赢得总冠军,甚至还有人认为勇士原本就不应该进入NBA总决赛。








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