Joule封面赏析-Volume 4,Issue 3

Joule封面赏析-Volume 4,Issue 3

作者: EdgingCatalysis | 来源:发表于2020-04-12 10:25 被阅读0次

On the Cover: Carbon neutral fuels from atmospheric CO2 and renewable power will soon compete with fossil fuels. Art credit: Roger Mattos.

About the author:

Rob McGinnis, PhD, is an inventor and entrepreneur. He is the founder and CEO of Prometheus, a company that is developing technology to remove carbon dioxide from the air and turn it into fuels. He previously founded Mattershift, where he developed largescale carbon nanotube membranes. Rob was previously founder of Oasys Water, a company focused on developing forward osmosis technologies for water purification. Rob received his PhD in Engineering from Yale University.

罗布·麦金尼斯(Rob McGinnis)博士是发明家和企业家,是普罗米修斯(Prometheus)的创始人兼首席执行官,该公司致力于开发技术以去除空气中的二氧化碳并将其转化为燃料,他曾创立过Mattershift,并在那里开发了大型碳纳米管。Rob以前是Oasys Water的创始人,Oasys Water是一家致力于开发用于水净化的正向渗透技术的公司.Rob在耶鲁大学获得了工程学博士学位。

文章详情请参见:McGinnis, CO2-to-Fuels Renewable Gasoline and Jet Fuel Can Soon Be Price Competitive with Fossil Fuels, Joule (2020), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.joule.2020.01.002 

About Joule:

What is Joule? Joule, a sister journal to Cell, is a homefor outstanding and insightful research, analysis and ideas addressing a keyglobal challenge: the need for more sustainable energy. Joule is a distinctive and forward-lookingjournal, bridging disciplines and scales of energy research. Joule connects allwho are researching and analyzing the challenges — scientific, technical,economic, policy and social — of providing sustainable energy solutions. Joule spans scales of energy research, fromfundamental laboratory research into energy conversion and storage up toimpactful analysis at the global level. Joule will purposefully highlight andamplify the implications, challenges and opportunities of novel energy research for different groups working across the entire spectrum of the field.




      本文标题:Joule封面赏析-Volume 4,Issue 3
