“I shall never forget watching him from my table as he climbed the small ladder wearing his red bathing trunks, taking forever to pick the ripest apricots. On his way to the kitchen—wicker basket, espadrilles, billowy shirt, suntan lotion, and all—he threw me a very large one, saying, ‘Yours,’ in just the same way he’d throw a tennis ball across the court and say, ‘Your serve.’ Of course, he had no idea what I’d been thinking minutes earlier, but the firm, rounded cheeks of the apricot with their dimple in the middle reminded me of how his body had stretched across the boughs of the tree with his tight, rounded ass echoing the color and the shape of the fruit. Touching the apricot was like touching him. He would never know, just as the people we buy the newspaper from and then fantasize about all night have no idea that this particular inflection on their face or that tan along their exposed shoulder will give us no end of pleasure when we’re alone.
Yours, likeLater!, had an off-the-cuff, unceremonious, here, catch quality that reminded me how twisted and secretive my desires were compared to the expansive spontaneity of everything about him. It would never have occurred to him that in placing the apricot in my palm he was giving me his ass to hold or that, in biting the fruit, I was also biting into that part of his body that must have been fairer than the rest because it never apricated—and near it, if I dared to bite that far, his apricock.”
All those are killing Elio: his red bathing trunks, espadrilles, billowy shirt, and even his suntan lotion, let alone his movement among the trees. But, what further gave him the fantasies of lure, of lust, of desire was the ‘firm, rounded cheeks of the apricot with their dimple in the middle’. With description akin this, we can vividly draw the picture of that shape, which, furthermore, associates with Oliver’s ‘tight, rounded ass’, that echoes the color and the shape of the former. Elio fantasys touching Oliver through touching the acricot he gives him, and of course, stealthily. Without telling or even showing to Oliver, the pleasure of hiding behind arouses Elio psychologically, and not to mention, sexually, along with his particular inflection and tan on his exposed shoulder.
Poor Elio, never dares to utter a word on his feelings over Oliver. How much regret you are gonna get as Oliver leaves six weeks later! Even I can feel that pain through all your inner thoughts. But how much jealousy I wanna get rid of from your bold tenderness. I wish I could be like you some way or another, be like your letting heart feel all those amor even though it is tabou. I’ll continue letting myself to be a coward. Dream less; sleep sound.