L23-1 Vegetaranism

L23-1 Vegetaranism

作者: April2018 | 来源:发表于2017-07-16 19:50 被阅读0次

    People have realized the importance of healthy diet. If you are a vegetarian, for instance, you would consider vegetarianism an excellent option. You would not be able to understand why some people turn against it. However, if you are a meat eater, the other side of the picture would be quite the opposite. 

    To be honest, I am planning to go vegetarian. There are several reasons convinced me to make this decision. For one thing, overweight problem has threatened my health condition. Doctor suggests me try a more green eating habit. It's also a way to avoid the hormones ['hɔ:rməunz] and antibiotics [,æntɪbaɪ'ɑtɪks] found in many animal-based products. For another, it's about doing something positive for the environment and animal welfare [ˈwelfer]. As reported, meat, amazingly, causes more emissions than all of transportation combined: cars, trains, planes, buses, boats, all of it. And beef production uses 100 times the water that most vegetables do. Besides, by doing this can save us some money. Right? 

    So, in summary, we can get many benefits from becoming a vegetarian. Still, the key thing you should notice is you have to appropriately planned vegetarian diets and follow recommended guidelines on nutrition, fat consumption, and weight control etc.

    Q: Do you agree that the road to a man's heart passes through his stomach?

    A: Perhaps there is an element of truth in it. For example, if your soulmate loves to cook, and she is doing her magic in the kitchen when you get home from work, the result is invariably both delicious and eye-catching, at least much better than when you cook for her.  I think it always a positive if you can pass through someone's stomach. But there are many complicated factors in a relationship, eating is just a tiny part of it.


    Vegans (total vegetarians):Do not eat meat, poultry, fish, or any products derived from animals, including eggs, dairy products, and gelatin.

    Lacto-ovo vegetarians:Do not eat meat, poultry, or fish, but do eat eggs and dairy products.

    Lacto vegetarians:Eat no meat, poultry, fish, or eggs, but do consume dairy products.

    Ovo vegetarians:Eat no meat, poultry, fish, or dairy products, but do eat eggs.

    Partial vegetarians:Avoid meat but may eat fish (pesco-vegetarian, pescatarian) or poultry (pollo-vegetarian).



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