

作者: 青吟乐 | 来源:发表于2020-06-18 20:02 被阅读0次





    static aom_codec_err_t encoder_encode(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
                                          const aom_image_t *img,
                                          aom_codec_pts_t pts,
                                          unsigned long duration,
                                          aom_enc_frame_flags_t enc_flags) {
      const size_t kMinCompressedSize = 8192;
      volatile aom_codec_err_t res = AOM_CODEC_OK;//用来标识编码是否有错误
      AV1_COMP *const cpi = ctx->cpi;
      const aom_rational64_t *const timestamp_ratio = &ctx->timestamp_ratio;
      volatile aom_codec_pts_t ptsvol = pts;
      if (cpi == NULL) return AOM_CODEC_INVALID_PARAM;
      if (img != NULL) {
        res = validate_img(ctx, img);
        // TODO(jzern) the checks related to cpi's validity should be treated as a
        // failure condition, encoder setup is done fully in init() currently.
        if (res == AOM_CODEC_OK) {
          size_t data_sz = ALIGN_POWER_OF_TWO(ctx->cfg.g_w, 5) *                    //使value与2的幂对齐
                           ALIGN_POWER_OF_TWO(ctx->cfg.g_h, 5) * get_image_bps(img);
          if (data_sz < kMinCompressedSize) data_sz = kMinCompressedSize;
          if (ctx->cx_data == NULL || ctx->cx_data_sz < data_sz) {
            ctx->cx_data_sz = data_sz;
            ctx->cx_data = (unsigned char *)malloc(ctx->cx_data_sz);
            if (ctx->cx_data == NULL) {
              return AOM_CODEC_MEM_ERROR;
      if (ctx->oxcf.mode != GOOD && ctx->oxcf.mode != REALTIME) {
        ctx->oxcf.mode = GOOD;
        av1_change_config(ctx->cpi, &ctx->oxcf);
      if (!ctx->pts_offset_initialized) {
        ctx->pts_offset = ptsvol;
        ctx->pts_offset_initialized = 1;
      ptsvol -= ctx->pts_offset;
      volatile aom_enc_frame_flags_t flags = enc_flags;
      // The jmp_buf is valid only for the duration of the function that calls
      // setjmp(). Therefore, this function must reset the 'setjmp' field to 0
      // before it returns.
      if (setjmp(cpi->common.error.jmp)) {
        cpi->common.error.setjmp = 0;
        res = update_error_state(ctx, &cpi->common.error);
        return res;
      cpi->common.error.setjmp = 1;
      // Note(yunqing): While applying encoding flags, always start from enabling
      // all, and then modifying according to the flags. Previous frame's flags are
      // overwritten.
      /*在应用编码标志时,始终从启用全部开始,然后根据标志进行修改。 前一帧的标志被覆盖。*/
      av1_apply_encoding_flags(cpi, flags);////读取flag中的数据
      // Handle fixed keyframe intervals
      if (ctx->cfg.kf_mode == AOM_KF_AUTO &&
          ctx->cfg.kf_min_dist == ctx->cfg.kf_max_dist) {
        if (++ctx->fixed_kf_cntr > ctx->cfg.kf_min_dist) {
          flags |= AOM_EFLAG_FORCE_KF;
          ctx->fixed_kf_cntr = 1;
      if (res == AOM_CODEC_OK) {
        int64_t dst_time_stamp = timebase_units_to_ticks(timestamp_ratio, ptsvol);
        int64_t dst_end_time_stamp =
            timebase_units_to_ticks(timestamp_ratio, ptsvol + duration);
        // Set up internal flags
        if (ctx->base.init_flags & AOM_CODEC_USE_PSNR) cpi->b_calculate_psnr = 1;
        if (img != NULL) {
          YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG sd;
          res = image2yuvconfig(img, &sd);//把buffer的数据存到sd里
          // Store the original flags in to the frame buffer. Will extract the
          // key frame flag when we actually encode this frame.
          /*将原始标志存储到帧缓冲区中。 当我们实际编码该帧时,将提取关键帧标志。*/
          if (av1_receive_raw_frame(cpi, flags | ctx->next_frame_flags, &sd,
                                    dst_time_stamp, dst_end_time_stamp)) {
            *init_ref_frame_bufs 初始化cm->ref_frame_map,以及哈希表的映射关系
            res = update_error_state(ctx, &cpi->common.error);
          ctx->next_frame_flags = 0;
        unsigned char *cx_data = ctx->cx_data;
        size_t cx_data_sz = ctx->cx_data_sz;
        assert(!(cx_data == NULL && cx_data_sz != 0));
        /* 不可见帧内容 */
        if (ctx->pending_cx_data) {
          memmove(cx_data, ctx->pending_cx_data, ctx->pending_cx_data_sz);
          ctx->pending_cx_data = cx_data;
          cx_data += ctx->pending_cx_data_sz;
          cx_data_sz -= ctx->pending_cx_data_sz;
          /* TODO: this is a minimal check, the underlying codec doesn't respect
           * the buffer size anyway.
          if (cx_data_sz < ctx->cx_data_sz / 2) {
            aom_internal_error(&cpi->common.error, AOM_CODEC_ERROR,
                               "Compressed data buffer too small");
        size_t frame_size = 0;
        unsigned int lib_flags = 0;
        int is_frame_visible = 0;
        int index_size = 0;
        int has_fwd_keyframe = 0;
        // invisible frames get packed with the next visible frame
        // av1_get_compressed_data返回-1指的是没有帧被编码,也是下一层编码的入口
        while (cx_data_sz - index_size >= ctx->cx_data_sz / 2 &&
               !is_frame_visible &&
               -1 != av1_get_compressed_data(cpi, &lib_flags, &frame_size, cx_data,
                                             &dst_time_stamp, &dst_end_time_stamp,
                                             !img, timestamp_ratio)) {
          cpi->seq_params_locked = 1;
          if (frame_size) {
            if (ctx->pending_cx_data == 0) ctx->pending_cx_data = cx_data;
            const int write_temporal_delimiter =
                !cpi->common.spatial_layer_id && !ctx->pending_frame_count;
            if (write_temporal_delimiter) {
              uint32_t obu_header_size = 1;
              const uint32_t obu_payload_size = 0;
              const size_t length_field_size =
              if (ctx->pending_cx_data) {
                const size_t move_offset = length_field_size + 1;
                memmove(ctx->pending_cx_data + move_offset, ctx->pending_cx_data,
              const uint32_t obu_header_offset = 0;
              obu_header_size = av1_write_obu_header(
                  cpi, OBU_TEMPORAL_DELIMITER, 0,
                  (uint8_t *)(ctx->pending_cx_data + obu_header_offset));
              // OBUs are preceded/succeeded by an unsigned leb128 coded integer.
              if (av1_write_uleb_obu_size(obu_header_size, obu_payload_size,
                                          ctx->pending_cx_data) != AOM_CODEC_OK) {
                aom_internal_error(&cpi->common.error, AOM_CODEC_ERROR, NULL);
              frame_size += obu_header_size + obu_payload_size + length_field_size;
            if (ctx->oxcf.save_as_annexb) {
              size_t curr_frame_size = frame_size;
              if (av1_convert_sect5obus_to_annexb(cx_data, &curr_frame_size) !=
                  AOM_CODEC_OK) {
                aom_internal_error(&cpi->common.error, AOM_CODEC_ERROR, NULL);
              frame_size = curr_frame_size;
              // B_PRIME (add frame size)
              const size_t length_field_size = aom_uleb_size_in_bytes(frame_size);
              if (ctx->pending_cx_data) {
                const size_t move_offset = length_field_size;
                memmove(cx_data + move_offset, cx_data, frame_size);
              if (av1_write_uleb_obu_size(0, (uint32_t)frame_size, cx_data) !=
                  AOM_CODEC_OK) {
                aom_internal_error(&cpi->common.error, AOM_CODEC_ERROR, NULL);
              frame_size += length_field_size;
            ctx->pending_frame_sizes[ctx->pending_frame_count++] = frame_size;
            ctx->pending_cx_data_sz += frame_size;
            cx_data += frame_size;
            cx_data_sz -= frame_size;
            index_size = MAG_SIZE * (ctx->pending_frame_count - 1) + 2;
            is_frame_visible = cpi->common.show_frame;
            has_fwd_keyframe |= (!is_frame_visible &&
                                 cpi->common.current_frame.frame_type == KEY_FRAME);
        if (is_frame_visible) {
          // Add the frame packet to the list of returned packets.
          aom_codec_cx_pkt_t pkt;
          if (ctx->oxcf.save_as_annexb) {
            //  B_PRIME (add TU size)
            size_t tu_size = ctx->pending_cx_data_sz;
            const size_t length_field_size = aom_uleb_size_in_bytes(tu_size);
            if (ctx->pending_cx_data) {
              const size_t move_offset = length_field_size;
              memmove(ctx->pending_cx_data + move_offset, ctx->pending_cx_data,
            if (av1_write_uleb_obu_size(0, (uint32_t)tu_size,
                                        ctx->pending_cx_data) != AOM_CODEC_OK) {
              aom_internal_error(&cpi->common.error, AOM_CODEC_ERROR, NULL);
            ctx->pending_cx_data_sz += length_field_size;
          pkt.kind = AOM_CODEC_CX_FRAME_PKT;
          pkt.data.frame.buf = ctx->pending_cx_data;
          pkt.data.frame.sz = ctx->pending_cx_data_sz;
          pkt.data.frame.partition_id = -1;
          pkt.data.frame.vis_frame_size = frame_size;
          pkt.data.frame.pts =
              ticks_to_timebase_units(timestamp_ratio, dst_time_stamp) +
          pkt.data.frame.flags = get_frame_pkt_flags(cpi, lib_flags);
          if (has_fwd_keyframe) {
            // If one of the invisible frames in the packet is a keyframe, set
            // the delayed random access point flag.
            pkt.data.frame.flags |= AOM_FRAME_IS_DELAYED_RANDOM_ACCESS_POINT;
          pkt.data.frame.duration = (uint32_t)ticks_to_timebase_units(
              timestamp_ratio, dst_end_time_stamp - dst_time_stamp);
          aom_codec_pkt_list_add(&ctx->pkt_list.head, &pkt);
          ctx->pending_cx_data = NULL;
          ctx->pending_cx_data_sz = 0;
          ctx->pending_frame_count = 0;
      cpi->common.error.setjmp = 0;
      return res;



