狼王高薪聘请了狐狸来管理他的大型养鸡场。 狐狸走马上任,隔三差五的就会以“个别谈话”为由把一只鸡叫到它的办公室,然...
核心书摘 《别找替罪羊》用寓言故事这种生动的方式,分析了人们工作、生活中的常见问题,指出这些问题的大多数都源于自我...
[差异] 寻找替罪羊。 R十行采集: 1.现代意义上“替罪羊”一词应该指迫害行为与表征的无意识机制——替罪羊机制。...
替罪羊 凯特看着牢房外面,留下了眼泪,当判决书下来他知道他是替罪羊。
The Two Enemies Two men,deadly enemies to each other,were...
The Happy Prince High above the city,on a tall column,sto...
All day long he flew,and at night he arrived in the city....
The Rich Man and the Tanner A tanner started his business...
The old woman and her Servants The women had two servants...