

作者: 明择旅游 | 来源:发表于2018-11-30 15:26 被阅读0次

Known as the

"Cradle of Mankind",theoriginalGarden of Eden,and the place where,about 6 million years ago,Millennium Manwalked the Tugen Hills,Kenya isthe ethnic homeland of us all. It was from Kenya's nurturing embrace that the earliest humans wandered forth to colonize the world. On the shores of Lake Turkana,however,whereHomo erectus(直立人-编者注)took his first upright steps,little was changed. The searing wind still scours the waters of the "Jade Sea" (图尔卡纳湖昵称 - 编者注),hippos wallow alongside crocodiles,and normadic tribespeople live a life essentially unchanged from that of their ancestors 50,000 years ago.

Kenya later became the adopted home of more than 70 different groups of ethnic African migrants,each with its own distinctive cultural identity. It isthe land of miraculouslyharmonious contrasts:tropical ice,teeming wilderness,vibrant culture,andgentle tolerance.A place where,despite the burdens of poverty,drought,famine,the phraseHakuna matala(斯瓦西里语“没问题”-编者注)embodiesthe national attitude,and a smileisthe most valuable currency.

Today 56 national parks and reserves offersanctuary to some of the world'smost ancient and most threatened creatures. The country contains some ofthe last primordial rain forestsand boastsmore species of birdsthan anywhere elseon the earth.Stunningly scenic,steeped in history,Kenya was in the pasta playground for royalty,millionaires,aristocrats,eccentrics,and still remainone of the world's most popular tourist destinations. It is not for the trapping of tourism,however,that it is usually remembered. Visitors go awayindelibly touched bythe warmth,sincerity and generosity of the Kenyan people; andthe poorer the person,the richer the welcome.






温暖、真诚、慷慨、欢迎 ... 并且,越穷的人就越欢迎您 😁

我不行了,我要去了 😄


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