例句1:Besides spatial distribution, the occurrence of eruption over a defined period is widely considered as an important factor to assess the performance of these mitigative measures.
例句2– 版本A:1Depression is more than just feeling bad. 2It may become a serious health condition when long-lasting and with moderate or severe intensity. 3It can cause the affected person to suffer greatly and function poorly. 4It is a common illness, with a lifetime prevalence of 20% in women and 12% in men.
你是否发现句4所表达的信息要比其他句子更加概括呢?而且读起来感觉逻辑上没有那么顺畅? 因为第一句话描述了depression的性状,第二句和第三句讲了它可能导致的结果,而第四句则是对depression的一个总体描述。如果我们把第4句放在最前面,整段的前后逻辑就会连贯的多:
例句2– 版本B:1Depression is a common illness, with a lifetime prevalence of 20% in women and 12% in men. 2It is more than just feeling bad. 3It may become a serious health condition when long-lasting and with moderate or severe intensity. 4It can cause the affected person to suffer greatly and function poorly.
例句3– 版本A: Micro structures have surfaces areas which are several orders of magnitude larger than traditional ones for the same volume. The energy efficiency of industrial heat exchangers is improved through extended heat transfer area of these surfaces.
例句3– 版本B: Micro structures have surfaces areas which are several orders of magnitude larger than traditional ones for the same volume. These surfaces improve the energy efficiency of industrial heat exchangers through extended heat transfer area.
例句4– 版本A:The quantity and quality of the information sources, the means through which it is spread, and the audience of the information are important paramenters of making marketing plans.
例句4– 版本B:The important paramenters of making marketing plans are the quantity and quality of the information sources, the means through which it is spread, and the audience of the information.