气候界普遍认为,极端气候事件的频率或严重程度的任何变化都会对自然和社会产生深远的影响。因此,分析极端事件非常重要。极端气候变化的监测,检测和归因通常需要每日分辨率数据。但是,全局完整且易于获得的全分辨率日常数据集的编译,提供和更新是一项非常困难的任务。这部分是因为并非所有国家气象和水文气象服务(NMHS)都有能力或授权自由分发他们收集的每日数据。因此,ET及其前身CCl / CLIVAR气候变化检测工作组(WG)一直在协调国际上的发展,计算和分析一系列指数,以便个人,国家和地区能够以完全相同的方式计算指数,使其分析能够无缝地融入全球图景中(Karl等,1999,Peterson和共同作者2001) 。希望参与这项工作将使所有有关各方,包括指数提供者,能够从目前无法获得更广泛空间覆盖的改进的变化监测中受益。
Rx1day, Monthly maximum 1-day precipitation:
Let RRij be the daily precipitation amount on day i in period j. The maximum 1-day value for period j are:
Rx1dayj = max (RRij)
Rx5day, Monthly maximum consecutive 5-day precipitation:
Let RRkj be the precipitation amount for the 5-day interval ending k, period j. Then maximum 5-day values for period j are:
Rx5dayj = max (RRkj)
SDII Simple pricipitation intensity index: Let RRwj be the daily precipitation amount on wet days, w (RR ≥ 1mm) in period j. If Wrepresents number of wet days in j, then:
R10mm Annual count of days when PRCP≥ 10mm: Let RRij be the daily precipitation amount on day i in period j. Count the number of days where:
RRij ≥ 10mm
R20mm Annual count of days when PRCP≥ 20mm: Let RRij be the daily precipitation amount on day i in period j. Count the number of days where:
RRij ≥ 20mm
Rnnmm Annual count of days when PRCP≥ nnmm, nn is a user defined threshold: Let RRij be the daily precipitation amount on day i in period j. Count the number of days where:
RRij ≥ nnmm
CDD. Maximum length of dry spell, maximum number of consecutive days with RR < 1mm: Let RRij be the daily precipitation amount on day iin period j. Count the largest number of consecutive days where:
RRij < 1mm
CWD. Maximum length of wet spell, maximum number of consecutive days with RR ≥ 1mm: Let RRij be the daily precipitation amount on day iin period j. Count the largest number of consecutive days where:
RRij ≥ 1mm
R95pTOT. Annual total PRCP when RR > 95p. Let RRwj be the daily precipitation amount on a wet day w (RR ≥ 1.0mm) in period i and let RRwn95 be the 95th percentile of precipitation on wet days in the 1961-1990 period. If W represents the number of wet days in the period, then:
- R99pTOT. Annual total PRCP when RR > 99p: Let RRwj be the daily precipitation amount on a wet day w (RR ≥ 1.0mm) in period i and let RRwn99 be the 99th percentile of precipitation on wet days in the 1961-1990 period. If W represents the number of wet days in the period, then:
- PRCPTOT. Annual total precipitation in wet days: Let RRij be the daily precipitation amount on day i in period j. If I represents the number of days in j, then
- Karl, T.R., N. Nicholls, and A. Ghazi, 1999: CLIVAR/GCOS/WMO workshop on indices and indicators for climate extremes: Workshop summary. Climatic Change, 42, 3-7.
- Peterson, T.C., and Coauthors: Report on the Activities of the Working Group on Climate Change Detection and Related Rapporteurs 1998-2001. WMO, Rep. WCDMP-47, WMO-TD 1071, Geneve, Switzerland, 143pp.
github 程序
Routines to compute ETCCDI Climdex indices
GPL-3.0 license
R -
Simple R package for ETCCDI/CRD climate change indices calculations
LGPL-2.1 license
R -
python code that uses cdo operators to calculate ETCCDI indices
A climate4R package for calculation of the ETCCDIcore climate indices (part of the climate4R bundle)
M. Iturbide, J. Bedia, S. Herrera, J. Baño-Medina, J. Fernández, M.D. Frías, R. Manzanas, D. San-Martín, E. Cimadevilla, A.S. Cofiño and JM Gutiérrez (2019) The R-based climate4R open framework for reproducible climate data access and post-processing. Environmental Modelling & Software, 111, 42-54. DOI: /10.1016/j.envsoft.2018.09.009
The extreme precipitation indices used can be divided into two types (Liu et al., 2013; Wang et al., 2013a,b,c). One is precipitation indices, including PRCPTOT, R95p, R99p, RX1 day, RX5 day and SDII. The other type is the number of days of precipitation, including R10 mm, R20 mm, R25 mm, CDD and CWD
Sillmann, J., V. V. Kharin, F. W. Zwiers, X. Zhang, and D. Bronaugh, 2013b: Climate extremes indices in the CMIP5 multi-model ensemble. Part 2: Future projections. J. Geophys. Res., [doi:10.1002/jgrd.50188]( "Links to websites not under the control of the Government of Canada, including those to our social media accounts, are provided solely for the convenience of our website visitors. We are not responsible for the accuracy, currency or reliability of the content of such websites. The Government of Canada does not offer any guarantee in that regard and is not responsible for the information found through these links, nor does it endorse the sites and their content.
Visitors should also be aware that information offered by non-Government of Canada sites to which this website links is not subject to the Privacy Act or the Official Languages Act and may not be accessible to persons with disabilities. The information offered may be available only in the language(s) used by the sites in question. With respect to privacy, visitors should research the privacy policies of these non-government websites before providing personal information.").
Table 1. Core Set of 27 Extreme Indices Recommended by the ETCCDI. The Index R1mm Marked With * is Defined by ETCCDI for a User Specified Threshold Which is Set to 1 mm for This Study
The indices are defined and described in detail in Klein Tank et al. [2009] and Zhang et al. [2011]. The indices fall roughly into four categories: (1) absolute indices, which describe, for instance, the hottest or coldest day of a year, or the annual maximum 1 day or 5 day precipitation rates; (2) threshold indices, which count the number of days when a fixed temperature or precipitation threshold is exceeded, for instance, frost days or tropical nights; (3) duration indices, which describe the length of wet and dry spells, or warm and cold spells; and (4) percentile‐based threshold indices, which describe the exceedance rates above or below a threshold which is defined as the 10th or 90th percentile derived from the 1961–1990 base period. The latter are referred to as percentile indices in the following. The complete set of 27 indices is summarized in Table 1.
Label | Index Name | Index Definition | Units |
TN10p | Cold nights | Let TNij be the daily minimum temperature on day i in period j and let TNin10 be the calendar day 10th percentile centered on a 5 day window. The percentage of days in a year is determined where TNij < TNin10 | % |
TX10p | Cold days | Let TXij be the daily maximum temperature on day i in period j and let TXin10 be the calendar day 10th percentile centered on a 5 day window. The percentage of days is determined where TXij < TXin10 | % |
TN90p | Warm nights | Let TNij be the daily minimum temperature on day i in period j and let TNin90 be the calendar day 90th percentile centered on a 5 day window. The percentage of days is determined where TNij > TNin90 | % |
TX90p | Warm days | Let TXij be the daily maximum temperature on day i in period j and let TXin90 be the calendar day 90th percentile centered on a 5 day window. The percentage of days is determined where TXij > TXin90 | % |
WSDI | Warm spell duration | Let TXij be the daily maximum temperature on day i in period j and let TXin90 be the calendar day 90th percentile centered on a 5 day window for the base period 1961–1990. Then the number of days per period is summed where, in intervals of at least 6 consecutive days: TXij > TXin90 | days |
CSDI | Cold spell duration | Let TNij be the daily minimum temperature on day i in period j and let TNin10 be the calendar day 10th percentile centered on a 5 day window for the base period 1961–1990. Then the number of days per period is summed where, in intervals of at least 6 consecutive days: TNij < TNin10 | days |
TXx | Max TX | Let TXx be the daily maximum temperatures in month k, period j. The maximum daily maximum temperature each month is then: TXxkj = max(TXxkj) | °C |
TXn | Min TX | Let TXn be the daily maximum temperature in month k, period j. The minimum daily maximum temperature each month is then: TXnkj = min(TXnkj) | °C |
TNx | Max TN | Let TNx be the daily minimum temperatures in month k, period j. The maximum daily minimum temperature each month is then: TNxkj = max(TNxkj) | °C |
TNn | Min TN | Let TNn be the daily minimum temperature in month k, period j. The minimum daily minimum temperature each month is then: TNnkj = min(TNnkj) | °C |
FD | Frost days | Let TN be the daily minimum temperature on day i in period j. Count the number of days where TNij < 0°C | days |
ID | Ice days | Let TX be the daily maximum temperature on day i in period j. Count the number of days where TXij < 0°C | days |
SU | Summer days | Let TX be the daily maximum temperature on day i in period j. Count the number of days where TXij > 25°C | days |
TR | Tropical nights | Let TN be the daily minimum temperature on day i in period j. Count the number of days where TNij > 20°C | days |
GSL | Growing season length | Let T be the mean temperature ((TN + TX)/2) on day i in period j. Count the number of days between the first occurrence of at least 6 consecutive days with T > 5°C and the first occurrence after 1st July (NH) or 1st January (SH) of at least 6 consecutive days with Tij < 5°C | days |
DTR | Diurnal temperature range | Let TN and TX be the daily minimum and maximum temperature respectively on day I in period j. If I represents the number of days in j, then: DTRj = [图片上传失败...(image-fbdc26-1561518921414)](TXij – TNij)/ I | °C |
RX1day | Max 1 day precipitation | Let PRij be the daily precipitation amount on day i in period j. The maximum 1 day value for period j are: RX1dayj = max (PRij) | mm |
RX5day | Max 5 day precipitation | Let PRkj be the precipitation amount for the 5 day interval ending k, period j. Then maximum 5 day values for period j are: RX5dayj = max (PRkj) | mm |
SDII | Simple daily intensity | Let PRwj be the daily precipitation amount on wet days, PR > = 1 mm in period j. If W represents number of wet days in j, then: SDIIj = ([图片上传失败...(image-663a6c-1561518921414)] PRwj) / W | mm |
R1mm* | Number of wet days | Let PRij be the daily precipitation amount on day i in period j. Count the number of days where PRij > 1 mm | days |
R10mm | Heavy precipitation days | Let PRij be the daily precipitation amount on day i in period j. Count the number of days where PRij > 10 mm | days |
R20mm | Very heavy precipitation days | Let PRij be the daily precipitation amount on day i in period j. Count the number of days where PRij > 20 mm | days |
CDD | Consecutive dry days | Let PRij be the daily precipitation amount on day i in period j. Count the largest number of consecutive days where PRij < 1 mm | days |
CWD | Consecutive wet days | Let PRij be the daily precipitation amount on day i in period j. Count the largest number of consecutive days where PRij > 1 mm | days |
R95p | Very wet days | Let PRwj be the daily precipitation amount on a wet day w (PR > = 1 mm) in period i and let PRwn95 be the 95th percentile of precipitation on wet days in the 1961–1990 period. If W represents the number of wet days in the period, then: R95pj = [图片上传失败...(image-e960d3-1561518921413)] PRwj, where PRwj > PRwn95 | mm |
R99p | Extremely wet days | Let PRwj be the daily precipitation amount on a wet day w (PR > = 1 mm) in period i and let PRwn99 be the 95th percentile of precipitation on wet days in the 1961–1990 period. If W represents the number of wet days in the period, then: R99pj = [图片上传失败...(image-ad69e8-1561518921413)] PRwj, where PRwj > PRwn99 | mm |
PRCPTOT | Total wet‐day precipitation | Let PRij be the daily precipitation amount on day i in period j. If I represents the number of days in j, then: PRCPTOTj = [图片上传失败...(image-c85055-1561518921412)] PRij | mm |