

作者: lele乐 | 来源:发表于2018-04-09 21:34 被阅读0次

    从周继续学习TED素材中关于克服胆怯(overcome the stage fright)的文章。

    5.So your fingers don't work anymore.Your pupils dilate,your muscles contract,your spidery sense tingles,basically your whole body is trigger-happy.That condition is not conductive to performing folk music.I mean your nervers system is an idiot.Two hundred thousand years of human evolution,and it still can't tell the difference between a saber tooth tiger and 20 folksingers on a Tuesday night open mic?I have never been more terrified-until now.

    pupils 瞳孔;dilate 扩大,膨胀; contract  收缩;spidery 蜘蛛一般的;tingle  刺痛;trigger-happy   高度备战状态;conductive  传导的;nervers system 神经系统;evolution  进化; saber 军刀、配剑 ; terrified可怕的,紧张的

    6.So then it was my turn,and somehow,I get myself onto the stage,I start my song.I open my mouth to sing the first line,and this completely horrible vibrato-you know.when your voice wavers-comes streaming out.And this is not the good kind of vibrato,like an opera singer has,this is my whole body just convulsing with fear.I mean ,it's a nightmare.I'm embarrassed,the audience is clearly uncomfortable.They're focused on my discomfort.It was so bad.But that was my first real experience as a solo singer-songwriter.

    horrible vibrato 可怕的颤音;  waver 摇曳、摆动、犹豫;  convulse 震颤,震动;  embarrassed 尴尬的,窘迫的;focused on 专注;   solo 独奏;

    7.And something good did happen-I had the tiniest little glimpse of that audience connection that I was hoping for.And I wanted more.But I knew I had to get past this nervousness.That night I promised myself:I would go back every single week,and sure enough,week after week,it didn't get any better.The same thing happened every week.I couldn't shake it.

    glimpse of 瞥见;hoping for 希望;get past 克服,通过

    8.And that's when I had an epiphany.And I remember it really well,because I don't have a lot of epiphanies.All I had to do was write a song that exploits my nervousness.That only seems authentic when I have stage fright,and the more nervous I was,the better the song would be.So I started writing a song about having stage fright.

    epiphany 顿悟,灵光闪现;exploit 开发,开采;authentic  真正的



