

作者: lele乐 | 来源:发表于2018-04-01 11:04 被阅读0次

    从本周开始,主要是学习TED素材中关于克服胆怯(overcome the stage fright)的文章。

    1.I have stage fright,I've always had stage fright,and not just a little bit,it's a big bit.And it didn't even matter until I was 27,That's when I started writing songs,and even then I only played them for myself.Just knowing my roommates were in the same house made me uncomfortable.

    stage fright  怯场;not just a little bit,it's a big bit   不仅仅是一点,而是非常大;made sb uncomfortable 使某人不舒服

    2.But after a couple of years,just writing songs wasn't enough.I had all these stories and ideas,and I wanted to share them with people,but physiologically,I couldn't do it.I had this irrational fear.But the more I wrote,and the more I practiced, the more I wanted to perform.

    physiologically  adv.生理上地;   irrational  adj.非理性的

    3.So on the week of my thirtieth birthday,I decided I was going to go to this local open mic,and put this fear behind me.Well,when I got there,it was packed.There were like 20 people there.And they all looked angry.But I took a deep breath,and I signed up to play,and I felt pretty good.

    packed 挤满; take a deep breath  深呼一口气;  sign up   签到;   felt pretty good 感觉非常好

    4.Pretty good,until about 10 minutes before my turn,when my whole body rebelled,and this wave of anxiety just washed over me. Now when you experience fear,your sympathetic nervous system kicks in.So you have a rush of adrenaline,your heart rate increases,your breathing gets faster.Next your non-essential systems start to shut down,like digestion.

    rebelled (rebel的过去式) 反叛,不听使唤 ;washed over  冲洗;sympathetic nervous system    交感神经系统;kicks in  踢进,反冲进来;adrenaline  肾上腺素;heart rate 心率;non-essential  不重要的;shut down  关闭 ;digestion  消化



