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PTE Exam Framework

PTE Exam Framework

作者: 什锦饭 | 来源:发表于2016-09-15 19:54 被阅读43次

    Part 2 Writing

    2.1 Summarize written text 简写段落

    2.2 Write essay 撰写短文

    Part 3 Reading

    3.1 Multiple choice, single answer 阅读理解-单选题

    3.2 Multiple answer 阅读理解-多选题

    3.3 Re-order paragraphs 句子排序

    3.4 Fill in the blanks 选词填空

    3.5 Reading and Writing: Fill in the blanks 选词填空(单个空格四选一)

    Part 4 Listening

    4.1 Summarize spoken text 听段文章,简述内容

    4.2 Multiple choice, multiple answers 听短文,多选

    4.3 Fill the blanks 听录音填空

    4.4 Highlight correct summary 听一段录音,选出正确的总结

    4.5 Choose single answer 听一段录音,选一个答案

    4.6 Select missing word 选接下来要说的词

    4.7 Highlight incorret words 标记出错的单词,一篇文章,标出录音和文本不一样的地方

    4.8 Write from dictation 听写




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