

作者: 英语沙塔电影英语学习 | 来源:发表于2019-07-27 09:26 被阅读0次





    Flanked by snow-capped mountains bordering Myanmar in southwest China’s Yunnan Province, Dulongjiang Townshipnamed after the Dulong River that winds through it, used to be one of the poorest areas in China. The township is home to people of the Derung ethnic group, one of the ethnic minorities in China that has the smallest population.

    be flanked by sb/sthto have sb/sth on one or both sides. 侧面(或两侧)有【词组积累】


    border毗邻,接壤,这里bordering即which border



    named after sth以……命名

    wind through蜿蜒而过,可以是a road winds through the trees,或者是a river winds through the city【词组积累】

    Derung ethnic group独龙少数民族



    “The life of the Derung people in recent years has changed dramatically,” said Gao, 65, former head of Dulongjiang Township, a key figure in leading local people out of poverty. In 1984, he started to serve in the township government with the ambition of lifting the local people out of poverty. By then, there were no roads, no regular schools and no businesses in the township. The rolling hills and harsh climate made it difficult to even build a road. School-aged childrenwould have to slide along a steel wire above the roaring Dulong River to get to county schools. Landslides, avalanches, wild animal attacks and traffic accidents made life extremely harsh

    sth has changed dramatically发生巨大的变化【搭配】

    lead people out of poverty带人们摆脱贫穷。下面lift the local people out of poverty.是相同的意思【词组积累】

    serve in在……任职,即在……工作【词组积累】

    with the ambition of带着……的雄心【词组积累】

    regular schools正规学校

    rolling hills绵延起伏的山峦【搭配】

    harsh climate恶劣的气候【搭配】

    school-aged children学龄期儿童【词汇积累】

    slide along a steel wirea steel wire一根钢丝,slide along sth指沿着……滑动【词组积累】


    made life extremely harsh使生活异常艰苦,harsh意为恶劣的;艰苦的very difficult and unpleasant to live in【搭配】



    Under such harsh conditions, Gao started to explore methods to increase local income. He made ecological protection a top priority. “A well-preserved ecological environment is the great treasure passed down to us by our ancestors,” Gao said. “We will spare no efforts to protect it.” Eventually, he found a way to bring both economic benefits to the locals and do no harm to the environment: They started planting amomum tsao-ko, a spice and medicinal herb, which is well-suited for the local climate.

    local income地方收入

    make ecological protection a top prioritymake sth a top priority使某事成为头等大事,最优先考虑某事,ecological protection生态保护【词组积累】


    the great treasure最大的财富

    pass down传递,流传【词组积累】

    spare no efforts to do不遗余力做某事

    do no harm to对……没有伤害,do no harm to the environment在这里即解释为不污染环境【词组积累】

    amomum tsao-ko草果(一种中药)


    is well-suited for非常适合……



    Furthermore, the forestry department in Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture, to which Dulongjiang is subordinated, has made all the people from 195 impoverished Derung householdsecological rangers, providing them with an income for protecting the forests in their native land.In the processvarious levels of government support has offered a boost. In 2010, the provincial government implemented entire village advancement projects as well as pilot projectsfor the improvement of entire townships, with Dulongjiang included. Financial aid and related programs from the government put the town’s development on a fast track.

    forestry department林业部门

    Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture怒江傈僳族自治州

    is subordinated to隶属于、从属于【词组积累】




    native land故乡

    in the process在过程中

    various levels of government support各级政府支持

    offer a boost推动(经济)增长【词组积累】

    implement project实施计划

    pilot projects试点计划,pilot意为实验性的,试点的【词汇积累】

    financial aid经济援助

    put development on a fast track使发展进入快车道【词组积累】



    As a result, Dulongjiang now has a brand new look. Many new houses have been erected along the road, as residents living in uninhabitable conditions have been relocated to new houses. The 4G network covers the entire township and is accessible to quite a few delivery service providers.

    a brand new look一个崭新的面貌

    erect建立,建造,即to build sth,可替换buidl【同义替换】

    live in uninhabitable conditions生活于不堪居住的条件下。as residents living in uninhabitable conditions have been relocated to new houses,这里原句应为as residents who lives in uninhabitable conditions have been relocated to new houses.这里变who lives为living,意义相同,relocate意为搬迁【词组积累】

    is accessible to sb/sth某人或某事可使用

    quite a few相当一部分人



    1the forestry department in Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture, to which Dulongjiang is subordinated, 2has made all the people from 195 impoverished Derung households ecological rangers, providing them with an income for protecting the forests in their native land

    A in B, to which C is subordinated, has made D, providing E该句式可以用来描述事物A,1半句中描述了A的从属范围,A属于B,C也属于B,文中的例子即林业部门和独龙江都属于怒江傈僳族自治州。2半句则描述A带来的影响D和E,即A has made D, providing E【句式】


    school-aged children学龄期儿童【词汇积累】


    pilot projects试点计划,pilot意为实验性的,试点的【词汇积累】

    lead people out of poverty带人们摆脱贫穷。下面lift the local people out of poverty.是相同的意思【词组积累】

    serve in在……任职,即在……工作【词组积累】

    with the ambition of带着……的雄心【词组积累】

    slide along a steel wirea steel wire一根钢丝,slide along sth指沿着……滑动【词


    make ecological protection a top prioritymake sth a top priority使某事成为头等大事,最优先考虑某事,ecological protection生态保护【词组积累】

    pass down传递,流传【词组积累】

    do no harm to对……没有伤害,do no harm to the environment在这里即解释为不污染环境【词组积累】

    is subordinated to隶属于、从属于【词组积累】

    offer a boost推动(经济)增长【词组积累】

    put development on a fast track使发展进入快车道【词组积累】

    live in uninhabitable conditions生活于不堪居住的条件下。as residents living in uninhabitable conditions have been relocated to new houses,这里原句应为as residents who lives in uninhabitable conditions have been relocated to new houses.这里变who lives为living,意义相同,relocate意为搬迁【词组积累】

    be flanked by sb/sthto have sb/sth on one or both sides. 侧面(或两侧)有【词组积累】

    wind through蜿蜒而过,可以是a road winds through the trees,或者是a river winds through the city【词组积累】

    sth has changed dramatically发生巨大的变化【搭配】

    rolling hills绵延起伏的山峦【搭配】

    harsh climate恶劣的气候【搭配】

    made life extremely harsh使生活异常艰苦,harsh意为恶劣的;艰苦的very difficult and unpleasant to live in【搭配】

    erect建立,建造,即to build sth,可替换buidl【同义替换】



