The path not taken. A dilemma.

The path not taken. A dilemma.

作者: JoycelynYip | 来源:发表于2018-04-22 22:30 被阅读0次

Frankly, I am merely a 17 year old teen who craves boba tea. (And wrote about it in her common app essay)

The path not taken. A dilemma.


Within 7 days, I have to make one of the biggest life decisions - which undergrad I should attend.

This decision should be a reflection of my past 4 years of hard work, including my track dedication, community service, musical loyalty, academic challenges and successes. But, it should also be a foundation for my future endeavors and more practically, my career. Both of my choices satisfy the above, but which one is more suitable for me?

The path not taken. A dilemma.

Cal has always been my dream school, right after UPenn. The vibrant campus and sunny weather (completely opposite to NY weather) have attracted me since beginning. I am aware of the cons of Cal, in which one of them is the competitive environment. However, I want to step out of my comfort zone and challenge myself to work with incredibly intelligent people at Cal who will change the world one day. I am ready to take up new challenges ahead of me. Another con is the high possibility of not getting into the Haas business school, which will mean I will earn a Economics major under college of letters and sciences. Will this take a toll on my career? Whereas in Wash U, I will be in their business school starting day 1.

The path not taken. A dilemma.

There are far too many factors to consider when making this huge decision.

My mindset and ultimate goal for the past 4 years has always been getting into college, but now it has inevitably shifted to be about getting a well-paid job and I am still wrestling with this transition. I have never thought about my career until this past week. 

Throughout the college process, I have been desiring for the moment I am deciding between schools, as I abide to the phrase “有得选择才是老板” but now the time has come for the decision, and I found myself in a dilemma.

“Let go and let God.”

The path not taken. A dilemma.



      本文标题:The path not taken. A dilemma.
