先测 9个 WES数据在 early-onset familial breast cancer patients without BRCA1/2 mutations 定位到关注的基因,然后在中等规模人群队列里面 检测 RECQL gene in an additional 439 unrelated familial breast cancer patients. (注意作者挑选特定情况的乳腺癌患者做WES数据)
这里面的重点就是9个WES数据如何定位到具体的某几个基因,这样中等规模人群队列的筛查压力就小一点,一般来说是关注那些 harbored novel, heterozygous rare variants that were truncating mutations or splicesite variants. 或者说那些在2个以上的病人都出现的变异位点。
参考文献:PLOS Genetics | DOI:10.1371/journal.pgen.1005228 May 6, 2015
2015 中国乳腺癌患者的
首先测11个乳腺癌患者WES数据,并没有定位到具体的某个基因,只是跟现有癌症数据库对比,比如TCGA,COSMIC等等,因为人群太少,所以mutation landscape也意义不大。
扩大的人群队列 433 tumor and 921 normal tissue/blood samples from the Shanghai Breast Cancer Study 来验证 上面WES研究得到的TOP50的somatic变异位点。
有趣的是截止到现在(2018-12-11 09:49:26) 该文章被引用才7次。该文章也没有上传原始测序数据。
参考文献:J Mol Genet Med. 2015 Dec;
2018年 突尼斯 乳腺癌患者的
we performed exome sequencing of germline DNA from six BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation-negative Tunisian patients with familial breast cancer to uncover additional sus-ceptibility genes.(注意作者挑选特定情况的乳腺癌患者做WES数据)
这个时候作者关注的是人群频率低于0.001的突变,而且只关心truncating mutations in genes
with a known role in DNA replication or DNA repair ,这样就只有4个基因入选,其中POLE实验验证失败,MCM7和POLE在中等规模人群队列的筛查不到,只有RCC1在 Tunisian breast cancer patients (n=153) and population controls (n=400) 的中等规模人群队列验证到了。
参考文献:Int. J. Cancer: 142, 2512–2517 (2018) VC 2018 UICC
Amplicon-based massively parallel sequencing of the coding regions and proximal intron-exon junctions of FANCM (NM_020937.3) and RECQL (NM_002907.3) was performed on lymphocytes-derived germline DNAusing the Hi-Plex protocol
from unrelated women affected with breast cancer (n = 338) and ovarian cancer (n = 89) from Poland (n = 304) and Ukraine (n = 123).
Nguyen-Dumont et al. BMC Medical Genetics (2018) 19:12