【Geekband】Homework 2

【Geekband】Homework 2

作者: 读书行路风雨兼程 | 来源:发表于2016-03-15 09:48 被阅读140次

题目为 Rectangle 类实现构造函数,拷贝构造函数,赋值操作符,析构函数。

class Shape
   int no;
class Point
   int x;
   int y;
class Rectangle: public Shape
   int width;
   int height;
   Point * leftUp;
   Rectangle(int width, int height, int x, int y);
   Rectangle(const Rectangle& other);
   Rectangle& operator=(const Rectangle& other);


01. Big Three Function Design - 三大函数设计

1.1 General Constructor - 构造函数
  • private could be omit at the begging of a class.
class MyClass
    // for private variables
    // for public interface
    // for protected functions
  • We would prefer to use this
Rectangle(int width, int height)
    this->width = width;
    this->height = height;  
  • There is a point-to-class pointer and how to build a constructor
// Class
class Point
   int x;
   int y;
    Point (int x  = 0, int y =0)
        this->x = x;
        this->y = y;
    int get_x() const {return x;}
    int get_y() const {return y;}
class Rectangle: public Shape
   int width;
   int height;
   Point* leftUp; 
   Rectangle(int width, int height, int x, int y);
// Constructor
Rectangle::Rectangle(int width, int height, int x, int y)
     this->width = width;
     this->height = height;
     this->leftUp = new Point(x, y);
1.2 Copy Constructor
  • Step 1: 父类Shape的创建在函数列表中完成,不能使用this->no进行处理。
  • Step 2: 子类的non-pointer成员,也可以在函数列表中完成
  • Step 3: 子类的pointer成员,必须先检查是否为nullptr,在依次进行赋值,即深拷贝
Rectangle::Rectangle(const Rectangle& other):
    Shape(other),  // Step 1: father class member
    width_(other.width_),  // Step 2: non-pointer member
    if (other.leftUp_ != nullptr)  // Step 3: Check whether other is nullptr
        this->leftUp_ = new Point(*(other.leftUp_));  // Point copy constructor; other.leftUp_ is a (Point* ); so *(other.leftUp_) is a Point.     
        this->leftUp_= nullptr;
  • 【思考】此处最对*(other.leftUp_)不是很理解,后续请教他人后更深入的理解:*就是dereference
    • other.leftUp_ is a Point *
    • *(other.leftUp_) is a Point
    • new Point(?)?是可以接收const Pointer&的内容
    • 相比于int等价于
    int number = 1;
    int *number_ptr  = &number;
    int dereferenced = *number_ptr;
1.3 Copy Assignment
  • Step 1:先检查是否是self-assignment
  • Step 2:父类程序按的处理。(这里经过查询书籍,可以知道,直接使用系统默认的copy assignment函数即可完成任务)
  • Step 3:子类non-pointer成员直接赋值
  • Step 4:检查pointer等号左右两侧是否为nullptr,并分别处理
Rectangle& Rectangle::operator=(const Rectangle& other)
    if (this == &other) // Step 1:  Self Assignment Check
        return *this;
    Shape::operator=(other);    // Step 2: Default copy assignment
    this->width_ = other.width_;  // Step 3: General member variables copy
    this->height_ = other.height_; 
    if( other.leftUp_ != nullptr )   // Step 4: Check pointer member
       if( this->leftUp_ != nullptr )
          *(this->leftUp_) = *(other.leftUp_);
          this->leftUp_ = new Point(*other.leftUp_);
       delete this->leftUp_;
       this->leftUp_ = nullptr;
    return *this;
1.4 Destructor
  • General idea is to delete the pointer directly.
   delete leftUp;
  • More safe solution
   delete leftUp;  // Just release the memory space, but not the value is still an address
   leftUp = nullptr;
1.5 inline function
  • The body of an inline fucntion should be in the .h file, otherwise you will get
undefined reference to


  • 首先理清类之间的相互关系,一边后续设计三大函数时,明白各个类成员的来历。
  • 严格按照既定的设计思路书写,不能随心所欲,以免漏写或画蛇添足。
  • 处理指针问题要格外小心。




      本文标题:【Geekband】Homework 2
