002 Stop that Cow!

002 Stop that Cow!

作者: Yolandaycx | 来源:发表于2016-12-02 11:55 被阅读0次

Lily the silly cow wants to go far.

“This farm is so dull.”

“How I long for a big red car.”

Look at me! Now I can dash! Beep! Beep!

Now she’s lightning Lil, and she’s going to town.

Near and far, and up and down.

Oh dear, I fear she will get hurt.

Lightning Lil is out of control.

I did not mean to go off the road…

And now the car is in the pool!

I feel a fool.

Then Lightning Lil decides to fly.

I am high up in the air.

Look at me, I can loop the loop!

Now I am sure she will get hurt!

But there’s more to flying than meets the eye.

How do I get down?

OW! This is no fun.

It’s the quiet life now for Lightning Lil.

Join us back at the farm, dear Lil.

I feel such a fool… I will, I will!


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      本文标题:002 Stop that Cow!
