作者: zzg_nosleep | 来源:发表于2018-04-25 22:08 被阅读0次

    This is a story about four teams making cars. The team who makes the strongest and fastest car will win. The four teams are:

    Singing team

    Dancing team

    Speaking team

    And a real, real F1 car making team: “S”

    At the moment of the car of this team is ready, I can see the expression of uncertainty for future in the face of the driver, full of confusion and unconfidence.

    Then the driver hear the song behind the car - “wu hu wa ha, wu hu wa ha ...”

    He is getting excited: “I have singers to back up me. Wow. I am not scared.”

    From the difficult smile, we can see the concern and then uncertainty are still in his face.

    Let’s look another team. This is the conversation among these three team members:

    “I am concerned with the ability of the men in our team to make a car”

    “Who cares. We are three beauties in team. Let’s just don’t make the car. Let’s just dance”

    “Genius! Let’s do it”

    Then, let’s dance.

    Let’s danc

    With the three beauties with ability to dance, when the driver is sitting in a car which may come to crash any time, he fell more comfortable.

    Another reason of the driver’s comfort comes from the fact that they own a strong spokesman. 

    He was the speech writer of the film 《The King’s Speech》and 《Darkest Hours》. It is said this guy can make dead people live by just talking to the body. So it won’t be surprised he can speak for a crash car to a reliable one.

    What the other team is doing?

    Wow. They are doing nothing.

    Some members are standing and looking.

    Some member is doing photographing.

    Some team member is just walking

    And then, when they were requested to present a car, they came up with a box:

    It doesn’t matter. They have a secret killer weapon. The astonishing weapon is showing across the woods:

    So when the weapon was presenting the box, all eye sights were attracted by the amazing curves of the presenter, instead of the ugly curves of the car. Even the driver himself.

    Let’s look at the real, real F1 car team “S”. What they are doing ?

    This is the only team who are really making a car.

    Once the plan competition was announced, the architect fall into deep thinking.

    Under the guidance of this great master, the whole team get into the car construction work with full passion.

    Drawing the blue print

    Construction and furnishing

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    When the F1 五菱宏光 car is shown on its debut, all industry is shocked. It’s a master piece of integrition of wisdom, passion and creativity!

    This is the CEO of the “singing team”. A very senior man in industry.

    When he was asked “Do you feel safe to take the car your team built”,

    He answered “gosh! I would kill myself rather than  sitting in such a car”

    With the next question “How about your feeling about the car F1 五菱宏光 “S”. He gave his thumb silently. And sadly.

    End of the story

    Thanks for the director of the story. The leading singer of the “singing team” :)



          本文标题:CAR STORY
